Name and explain the preference properties
Provide definitions for:
preference relation
strict preference
ordinal representation
Explain the theorem of ordinal representation
Explain the Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function and its axioms
(vNM utility = expected utility)
The independence axiom:
implies, order of preference between two lotteries 𝑝 and 𝑝′ is preserved if we combine the two lotteries with another lottery 𝑝′′.
a small perturbation of two lotteries does not change the order of preferences
assumption, however, is often not verified in real-life choices.
Provide the graphical interpretation of the allais paradox
(eigene Erklärung): Since utility lines are parallel and increase to the right, and the connecting lines between L1 & L’1 and L2 & L’2 respectively, are also parallel, L1 is equally “better” than L’1 as L2 is than L’2
Explain risk aversion, neutrality and loving (mathematically and graphically)
Explain the arrow-pratt measure of risk aversion
= global risk aversion measure
Und das ganze x(-1)
What is jensen’s inequality
Other way around for convex of course
What is the Allais paradox? (Setup and outcome of experiments)
Provide the mathematical interpretation of the allais paradox
What are critics regarding the allais paradox?
Regret theory:
you do not only care about what you get money-wise, you also value the fact that you don’t want to be surprised after you made the choice
Kahnemann & Tversky: indifference curves (utility lines) are not parallel, they rotate around a fixed point
Rank dependent expected utility (weighted probability):
Explain rank dependent expected utility (weighted probability)
Rank outcomes in terms of utility
apply probability weighting function W=[0,1]->[0,1]
—> re-weighting true probability
—> overweights unlikely events
What is first-order stochastic dominance?
(=higher returns)
Random variable A has first-order stochastic dominance over random variable B if for any outcome x, A gives at least as high a probability of receiving at least x as does B, and for some x, A gives a higher probability of receiving at least x.
What is second-order stochastic dominance?
G is a mean-preserving spread of F
Explain the certainty equivalent and what it means
CE = amount of money, that makes an individual indifferent between holding that amount of money or the lottery
What is a risk premium?
RP = E(L)-CE
compensation; what I need in addition to CE to play the lottery
Last changed2 years ago