What are the central tasks of desing synthesis?
selection and providionong of processing (memory, communication) resources
assignment of functions (data, communicatoin) to resources
determinatoin fo execution sequences and start times for tasks/proicesses under consideration of data dependencies in the task graph
What does allocation do?
type and number of CPU/DSP cores
size,type,instances of memories
standard and application specific hardware building blocks
I/O interfaces
interconnect structures
What does mapping do?
assignment of entire sub-systems / tasks of the system model to HW/SW resources (HW/SW codesign)
What does scheduling do?
determine the
executoin sequences of tasks and communucation transactions between different resources
execution of sequences of tasks which have been mapped to the same resources
What are task graphs?
directed, acyclic graph wiht set of vertices V and set of edges E
each vertex represents a task (process, assignment, operation)
each edge represents a data dependency between two verteces
What is a resource graph?
bipartite graph with set of vertices and edges
bipartit:= can be split into two subsets with no vertices inside itself
=> divided into resources and tasks
each vertex represents particular type of resource (e.g. CPU, ASIC, memory, bus)
each edge denotes the relizability of a task on an instance of resource type (task -> resource type)
cost function (c: V_T -> Z0) assigns a cost to each resource type
weight function w:E_R -> Z0 assigns executoin time w_i,k of v_i (task) on r_k (resource) to each edge…
=> i.e. outside vertices: tasks
inside vertices: resources
cost in purple for resources
weigth of edges: execution time for specific task <-> resourece combination…
What is an architecture graph?
graph with set of edges and vertices
vertices represent function resource instances (i.e. CPU1, CPU2, ASIC, memory, bus,…)
edge represents directed communicatoin channel
How is allocation defined w.r.t. resource graphs?
allocation is a funciotn that assigns each resource a number of available resource instances
=> entire set of allocated resources plus associated communicatoin links correspond to the architecture graph…
How does mapping work?
tuple (ß, y) of functions where:
ß(task) -> resource type
y(task) -> instance of resource type which executes the task
What is the partitioning problem?
Partition: assign each vertex of task graph to exactly one vertex of an architecture graph
=> assigns tasks the resources…
Problem objective: identify partition with lowest cost for a given target function
How is a partition given and what needs to be determined?
Partition P = {p1, p2, …, pm)
pi corresponds to set of all tasks vj mapped to the ressource qi (j != i)
to be determined:
p1 U…U pm = V (all tasks mapped)
pi intersection pj = {} for all i,j: i =! j (no task mapped multiple times)
Target functoin (P) =
k1 x area(P) + k2 x latency(P) + k3 x power(P) = min
Last changed2 years ago