What are the main Motivations to use Rapid Manufacturing?
Decentralization —> Products can be manufactured where needed —> Production on site
Individualization —> No specific tooling needed, model can easily be changed
Short lead time —> No tooling to be manufactured, and on site production leads to a short lead time
High shape complexity —> No restrictions to larger tools —> A high shape complexity is possible
What is the main differntation between Conventional and Rapid Manufacturing?
Conventional Manufacturing requires specific tools for given geometries/ materials or even a seperat tool production that requires a huge set of tools. Rapid Manufacturing (RM) is able to use the same tool independend of the geometry and material. (Sometimes a tool change is required for specific materials such as abbrassive filaments in FFF)
In what dimensions of complexity is Additive Manufacturing able to be superior to conventional manufacturing?
AM is superior in:
Shape complexity: The shape complexity is nearly unrestricted (dependend on method and support philosophy)
Hierarchial complexity: Different length scales can be combinded —> Micro, Meso and Macroscale can be combined, e.g. Infill pattern and outer contour can be specified independently
Material complexity: Different materials can be combined
Functional complexity: Mechanisms can be directly manufactured (e.g. rigid body joints)
How do conventional and Rapid Manufacturing compare regarding economic aspects?
Economic aspect of comparison is cost per unit.
For RM the cost per unit is relativly independent of geometric complexity and number of produced units. For Conventional manufacturing however the cost increased drasticly with geometric complexity and reduces for number of produced units:
Name modelling factors that have an influence on geometrical accuracy in FFF
Name process parameters that have an influence on geometrical accuracy in FFF
Name at least four examples of Design Potentioals for the geometry of AM?
Name at least four examples of Design Potentioals for the inner geometry of AM?
Name three optimization techniques that can be exploited when transfering designs from conventional design to AM?
Last changed2 years ago