The economic situation in the colonies before the revolution
• Prosperity through trade: Dmber (shipbuilding), indigo, tobacco, and rice
• Emergence of a strong middle class (arDsans, merchants, yeomen farmers)
Boston, e.g., doubled in size between 1700 and 1720
1756-1763 French and Indian war
1756-1763 - French and Indian wars
in Europe called seven years war
Britain won the war but had accumulated many debts
King wanted to save money by having to pay fewer soldiers
➡ For that purpose, the monarch issued the Proclamation Line of 1763
that did not allow any further settlement west of an imaginary line in the Appalachian mountains
settlers west of that line would not be protected by soldiers against Native Americans
1764 stamp act
Parliament's first direct tax on the American colonies
With this act they wanted to raise money for Britain
It taxed newspapers, licences, tea, almanacs, pamphlets, broadsides, legal documents, dice, and playing cards
It hit mostly the middle class: merchants, lawyers -> influential
American colonists:
wanted to achieve some concessions, such as protection on the western frontier or have a say what their taxes would be spent on.
Patrick Henry
a Virginia representative
demanded “No taxation without representation” (in the English parliament)
Benjamin Franklin
an agent to Parliament for the Pennsylvania Assembly - stayed in London for many years
He tried to negotiate some concessions from the British Crown
➡ The King showed no inclination to compromise at all = Franklin turned into a revolutionary
1770 Boston Massacre
Bostonians protested in front of the custom house against taxes
English soldier started shooting = five civilians died
John Adams (2nd president of the U.S.) became the soldiers’ defendant even though he shared the revolutionary spirit
—> He believed that everyone had a right to a fair trial
1773 Boston Tea Party
Angered by the Tea Acts (protest), some Bostonians dressed up as Mohawks (disguised as native Americans) to make a sensation and threw the cargo of tea that had arrived into the harbour —> showed that they are not British
British king was very upset and wanted to punish Bostoners
1775 Battles of Lexington and concord
first armed engagements between American military and British troops.
1775-1783 American revolutionary war
The revolutionary war was an insurruction by American Patriots in the 13 colonies to British rule, resulting in American independence
1776 declaration of idependence
• 4th of July, dra>ed by Thomas Jefferson who became 3rd president of the U.S.
• War of Independence; American colonists are supported by France
• commigee of 5 signed it: Franklin, Jefferson Adams, Sherman, Livingston
• George Washington becomes leader of the ConDnental Army (later 1st president of the USA)
• American RevoluCon resulDng in American independence, ends with Treaty of Paris
1783 Treaty of Paris
• Franklin and Jefferson sign the peace treaty with Britain for the newly independent state
• Britain opens „old Northwest“ (region south of Great Lakes) to United States a>er Treaty of
Paris ends American RevoluDon
George Washington elected first president
Washington DC established as US capital
Thomas Paine - Common Sense
he first published it anonymously
First pamphlet published in the colonies
-> wanted an independence from Britain
Was sold well and was preprinted in Germany, France, England
What is a pamphlet?
its a small booklet containing information
-> it was popular in America, because the people were all educated, the understood everything
Which topics does Paine discuss in this text?
he uses the word mankind a lot
-> french people, European people
American people and European people
Which kind of metaphor is used throughout the text?
Europe should be the mother, not England
Family metaphor -> Britain as the mother of the colonies (children) -> throughout the common sense
Britain should treat their children / colonies with love, protection, solidarity
Thomas Paine - Common Sense (purpose / thesis / title)
he wanted to give Americans new sense of identity
Had a great impact on his contemporaries (Zeitgenossen) right after his publication
It was a bestseller
the colonies need independence, not improved representation from the British government
common sense (gesunder Menschenverstand) already contains an enlightenment idea
Repeats the term by Locke of the faculty of reason -> that every human being owns
Thomas Paine - general information
major political theorist in the American revolution
Born in England as a son of a corset maker
As a young adult he ran away from home to go to sea
Met Benjamin Franklin in London, followed his idea + emigrated to Philadelphia at the age of 37
American colonists were the most literate population in the world at that time
Printers such as Benjamin Franklin had the role to spread information / propaganda
increase of newspapers -> high political discourse
Next to newspapers -> pamphlets were the most important media to propagate the ideas of the American revolution
The title common sense already contains an enlightenment idea
compare it to Locke (reason) -> every human being owns it
In the introduction Paine complains about Britains “the violent abuse of power”
Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence
all men are created equal
Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
The document lists a lot of grievances (Beschwerden) against king George the third and the British government
-> e.g. accusing him of violating the colonists rights
It criticises the implementation of the e.g. unfair taxes
The declaration declares that the Americans colonists have the right to govern themselves and create their own institutions
Concludes with saying that America is a free and independent state
Thomas Paine (Introduction / quotes)
Paine complains about Britains “violent abuse of power”
-> this was also later expressed in the Declaration of Independence
-> according to him, it is the king who has violeted the social contract
Natural rights of all mankind
-> the basis for his argumentation are the natural rights
-> rights that everybody shares just by being born
-> cannot be taken by government
You can see this idea of natural rights also in the declaration of independence with the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
Metaphor Britain as the mother and the colonies as the children
According to Paine Britain has violeted the role as a mother
-> Britain behaves unnaturally, while the Indians and animals behave naturally, protecting their young
Europe and not England is the parent country of America
-> America is a refugee of the violations of the mothers country
One of his strategies: He takes the arguments of his opponents and refutes them
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