League of Nations
predecessor of UN, founded 1920
Council of the LoN as the predecessor for UNSC
four permanent members (UK, France, Italy, and Japan) and four non-permanent members elected for three-year terms
US never became member > opposition in US Senate
collective self-defense (Art. 10 CLoN)
focus on collective self-defense instead of collective security -> today’s SC goes beyond collective self-defense (more efficient)
only some elements of collective security in Art. 11 CLoN
main issues: unanimity, lack of concrete mechanisms and implementation measures
-> failed with WWII
UN History
-> avoiding a new world war as the main purpose of the UN with SC at the core
Declaration of St. James Palace (June 1941)
Atlantic Charter (1941)
Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944)
Yalta Conference (1945)
San Francisco Conference (1945)
Declaration of St. James Palace (1941)
declaration of exiled governments in London (incl. UK, Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Greece)
pledged their solidarity in fighting against the Axis powers
political declaration by US President Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Churchill to fight Nazi Germany
set out goals for after the end of WWII
territorial integrity, global cooperation, self-determination, abandonment of the use of force
main diplomatic conference to design the main features of the UN
US, UK, Soviet Union, China > victory nations decided on a new world order
France’s government (in exile) only invited after Dumbarton Oaks (Churchil wanted more than one European power on the SC)
only the council responsible for peace and security and determines what constitutes a thereat to the peace, breach of the peace, or of act of aggression
“the three old men” (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) deciding on design of the UNSC
restricted membership (P5 and non-permanent elected members)
decision making process incl. no unanimity, single majority for procedural matters, qualified majority for substantive issues, veto power for P5
-> Art. 27 ("Yalta formula")
conference with 50 delegegations to write, vote on, adopt, and sign the UN Charter
only small adjustments to previous agreements
general agreement over UNSC being a political organ with broad powers
from the beginning tensions between need for efficiency and flexibility vs. legal certainty
-> very little codification on working methods
Last changed2 years ago