Chapter VI
Pacific Settlement of Disputes
mechanisms to support states to resolve differences without the resort to force or any other coercive measures
precedes Chapter VII and thus considered as means to avoid international armed conflict
Chapter VI and VII can be combined, but SC can immediately resort to Chapter VII without peaceful settlement
-> only requirement: SC must situation based on Article 39
trade, diplomatic, territorial disputes
-> those that have the potential to threaten international peace and security
can have a trade dimension, but economic inter-state disputes resolved by other bodies, incl. WTO
often concerns territorial disputes (mostly maritime) or diplomatic
bodies involved: UNGA, Secretary-General, Security Council, ICJ
means mostly diplomatic or judicial
leads negotiations incl. good offices
-> good offices: steps taken publicly and in private, drawing upon their independence, impartiality and integrity, to prevent international disputes from arising, escalating or spreading
UN General Assembly
engages in political processes
request opinions of ICJ, organize meetings, referral to groups of friends or contact groups
cannot adopt operative measures while UNSC is active
Art. 11 -> leading role of UNSC in matters of international peace & security
request of ICJ opinions does not obstruct work of UNSC (e.g. Kosovo)
Uniting for Peace: UNGA steps in when UNSC is blocked -> does not hinder the work
debate: can UNGA adopt sactions based on Chapter VI?
-> vast majority of states don't think so
peacekeeping operations
can only establish under Uniting for Peace (e.g. UN Emergency Force (UNEF I) in Middle East)
deals with financing through GA5
monitors performance through Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and GA4
Security Council
engages in negotiations
request opinions from ICJ
enforce ICJ decisions in cases of non-compliance
deferrals to and referrals from ICC
-> more justice than peace, but also "no peace without justice"
establish peacekeeping operations
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
issues opinions based on UNGA or UNSC request
acts as an impartial organ
according to international law and not negotiations or national interests
not binding and not resolving dispute between states, but a legal opinion that can contribute to negotiation process
-> authoritative but not binding
decisions in contentious cases before court between parties
Peacekeeping Operations
not mentioned in the charter, but rather an interpretation of the charter
Chapter VI and not VII
-> no authorization of use of force (only self-defense)
peacebuilding entails elements of both, but legally under Chapter VI
but often not easy to distinguish between Chapter VI and VII
-> "Chapter VI and a half" = measures between Chapter VI and VII
Last changed2 years ago