Limits to UNSC Power
-> UNSC has very broad powers, but:
GA also responsible for international security matters
obligation of UNSC to respect the purposes and principles of th Charter
-> bound by Charter and not free to do absolutely anything
UNSC should engage in efforts to maintain international peace and security without the use of force incl. peaceful settlement of disputes (Chapter VI)
Double Veto
decision whether a matter is procedural or not is in itself a substantive matter and thus entails a veto right
rotates on a monthly basis to not assign too much power to an individual country
vice-presidency would rank countries and thus violate rules of diplomatic protocol
permanent and non-permanent members in alphabetical order
call emergency meetings
inter-organizational relations and representation
-> reports to and meetings with UNGA
adoption of agenda in consultation with member states
communication with Secretary-General to convey and publish decisions
-> e.g. appointment of special representatives
-> formalized through exchange of letters
chair meetings of the council
-> assistet by Director (secretariat staff from Security Council Affairs Division)
leads the negotiation and drafting of resolutions on a particular Council agenda item
takes the initiative on all Council activities concerning that situation
-> holding emergency meetings, organising open debates, and leading visiting missions
chairs negotiations over a draft and speaks first whenever the Council discusses the issue
crisis in context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine
blocked in terms of coercive measures in the situation in Ukraine
not completely inactive even in relation to Ukraine
-> remains actively engaged, incl. Arria-formula meetings and briefings, presidential statement
still active in many other regions and crises
sanctions in other situations are still in place and sanctions committees still working as usual
-> esp. in regards to counter-terrorism (CTC, Sanction Regimes, Office of the Ombudsperson) and proliferation of WMDs
engaging with a number of Chapter VI resolutions > peacebuilding and peacekeeping
UNSC Reforms
expanding permanent membership
Germany, Japan, Brazil / Italy, Mexico
very unlikely to happen, also because countries wanting reform don't agree who should be permanent members
expanding non-permanent membership
won't weaken veto powers
reduce efficiency
-> more efficient today because of reduced membership compared to UNGA / ECOSOC
abolish permanent membership entirely
keep permanent membership but remove veto power
responsibility not to veto
currently pursued by France and Mexico
in relation to R2P veto power should not apply / be suspended
political declaration by Mexico and France, previously raised by other states
adoption as resolution (without Charter amendment) could be realistic
-> attempt to change through subsequent practice, resolutions
reform requires amendment of Charter (esp. Chapter V)
requires 2/3 majority in UNGA including all P5 (no veto)
approval of any P5 is very unlikely > UNSC reform very unlikely to happen
is change really desirable?
dangerous at this point in time > more important to save what is remaining
focus on keeping the council working!
pushing too hard can lead to Russia withdrawing and breakdown of UN
alterative view: crisis can be an opportunity
anyways mostly discussed by academia not by member states
Responsibility to Protect
adopted in 2005 World Summit Outcome Document (A/RESR/60/1)
states have a responsibility to protect the population on their territory
idea: sovereignty requires fulfilling this responsibility
justification for humanitarian interventions
-> not accepted by majority of states
How to deal with Russia in the context of the aggression against Ukraine?
country being part of a conflict not taking part in decision-making
Art. 27(3): “party to a dispute shall abstain from voting”
interpreted as more of a voluntary act in the past by the UNSC's own practice and thus hard to change that interpretation now
-> actions of the organ determine its legal powers through subsequent practice
more seen as a possibility rather than an obligation
Rule 20: refrain from presiding over meeting on topic in which involved
rightful successor of Soviet Union?
little doubt that it is, not taken seriously
assumed / took over obligations of SU and greatest territorial expansion of former SU
Charter provisions
Art. 5: suspension when enforcement action by UNSC
Art. 6: expulsion due to violation of UN Principles (e.g. Art. 2(4))
legally possible, politically not
dangerous consequences
creation of rival organization
diplomatic talks must continue
US also violated principles
Last changed2 years ago