What is a GDP?
Gross Domestic Product
primary indicator for the condition of the countrys economy, economical performance
size of economy, dynamic (in time comparison)
GDP nominal - inflation rate = GDP real
total value of all products and services produced over a specific time period
mainly from privat sector (consuming and investing)
common measuring (expenditure) method:
total consumption + investments + government spendings + net exports
state doesnt earn, they only spend tax money, if it would be different, it would be a planned economy in which marketing is not needed, therefore there are no improvements in product quality
GDP Development Economic Cycle
economic cycle is the upward and downward movements of levels of GDP
Refers to periods of expansion and contraction in the level of economic activities
cyle has been flattened more, less contractions because of fewer crisis
What is the impact of the GDP on the economy?
Key driver for GDP growth
technological innovation initiates growth and higher living standards and wealth
Industialization is important, before industralization China was the biggest economy, afterwards it was replaced by Europe
Made in Germany as a sign of quality led to economic success of Germany
How to increase productivity?
labor: less human capital is required (critizised) but because of technological demanding labor qualified workers are necessary but less unqualified workers
substitution with AI in qualified workforce: medicine (difficult to enforce in Germany because of a cost-efficient system), advisory
Output / Input
How are base rate and interest rate connected?
Base rate is the interest rate that the Central Bank will charge to lend money to commercial banks
Interest rate trends to be derived from base rate
Interest rate is an instrument to encourage or discourage spending depending on state of the economy
Interest rate = Zinssatz
Base rate = Leitzins
How are the interest rate and the economic cycle connected?
interest rate cycle has been closely related to the economic cycle
if economy grows strongly, central bank will increase interest rates to slow down the economy and prevent inflation
if ecoonomy enters recession with rising unemployment, central bank will cut interest rates to provide an economic stimulus to increase economic growth and investments
BUT: Politics tend to keep the base rate and interest rate more and more on a constantly low or zero level
Why does the politic keep the base rate and interest rate more and more on a constantly low or zero level?
prevent significant contraction of economic cycle GDP (election)
hugh increase of public debts dont allow interest rates to increase
result of debt is a flattened economic cycle
What are consequences of a zero interest rate policy?
real estate bubble: high increase of real estate market and stock market
lead to misallocation
stock markets at an all time high
What consequences do the covid crisis, ukraine and energy crisis have?
further increase of depts
disrupted supply chains, decrease of industry production and sales by global lockdown
greenflation (EU)
Inflation by money printing/quantitative easing, low/negative interest rates
Energiewende in Germany focusing on gas as key fossil energy to cover instability of sustainable energy sources
Ukraine war: sanctions against Russia, supply crisis for gas in EU/Germany
Fed (Federal reserve system) increased base rate, european central bank followed too late
stagflation, recession, depression?
financial crisis coming up?
Inflation in US
US inflation is more demand driven do to rise in consumer spending during the pandemic
Wage inflation has had a significant impact due to the competition for workers (data suggests wage inflation is easing in the US, real wages started to decline in the face of higher prices)
Due to high inflation rate, Fed ended their policy of quantitative easing and low interest rate, instead started with quantitative tightening and gradual increase of interest rates since september 2021
Inflation in Europe/Germany
higher energy costs are a much larger component of inflation numbers
fuel prices have risen a lot in the past year from a higher base than in the US
Side effects of drastically increasing the base rate
kursverluste von Anleihen wegen Leitzinserhöhungen waren maßgeblich für Pleite der Silicon Valley Bank und vielen weiteren Banken, deren Bilanzen ins wanken kommen könnten
Verluste gelten als unrealisiert weil der Wert der Anleihen im Depot der Banken zwar stark gesunken ist, aber nur auf Papier existiert, solange die Banken die Anleihen nicht zum geringeren Kurs verkaufen
Mögliche Auswirkung: global financial crisis
Central bank policies
ECB continued with quantitative easing and negative interest rate, still neglecting the increasing inflation rate in Europe
ECB insisted that the high inflation rate was short lived and ended its policy of monetary expansion in june 2022
what does the energy crisis mean?
phasing out fossil and nuclear energy replacing them by sustainable/renewable energy sources (wind, solar)
Intention behind has been the reduction of CO2 emission by fossil energy as one major reason for climate change
Would a complete replacement by wind and solar energy work based on todays technology?
No, not possible today as electricity can only be stored to a limited extent, definitely not in large quantities
Therefore electricity produced by wind and solar plants can not provide consistent and secure power supply
Energiewende in Germany
Gas price and electricity prices are sky rocketing
despite price increases and a risk of blackout, the Green party still insists on shutting down the last 3 nuclear energy plants
Last changed2 years ago