was ist ein wesentliches Problem beim Klimaschutz?
disconncetion between climate economics and macroeconomic policy
now, they are connected
OECD, central banks, IMF adressing now decarbonization
wie nennt man es, wenn Modelle zwischen climate policy und macroeconomics verbunden werden?
IAM: integrated assessment models
warum führen Umweltprobleme zu Inlfation?
teure Energie
weniger Land, deshakb teurer
extreme Wetter events
demand & supply gets shifted
decline in the supply potential of the economy
how can climate change affect monetary policy in different ways?
physical and transition risks affect macroeconomy and the prospect for inflation
climate changhe can affect monetary policy indirectly because the expectations on future economic outcomes from firms and housholds change if the wether changes
name potential sectors of impact of climate change
change in crop yields, less in sothern europe, more in northern europe
cooling an heating gets more expensive
less cold days, less water in Rhine River, therefore no transportation possible
more expensive due to extreme weather events
less in Südeuopa, mehr in Nordeuropa
what is net zero
Net zero (with reference to net zero commitment) means reducing all greenhouse gas emissions as much as humanly possible, and offsetting only the essential emissions that remain. Net zero GHG emissions is designed to keep us on track for a global temperature rise of less than 1.5°C - compared with pre industrial levels. In other words, net zero emissions will be achieved when human activity no longer causes global warming.
what is carbon neutral?
The term carbon neutral refers to an activity or a company which offsets the same amount of carbon or greenhouse gases that they emit. Carbon neutral means that emissions produced and offset are equivalent. On its own, it won’t keep the world under the 1.5°C target, set by the 2015 Paris Agreement.
What does Net Zero mean, and how is it different from Carbon Neutral?
Net Zero is a similar concept to Carbon Neutral, however it goes beyond just carbon and is typically on a larger scale. Net Zero refers to when all greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere are equivalent to the greenhouse gases being removed from the atmosphere on a global scale. In other words, net zero emissions will be achieved when human activity no longer causes global warming.
what is a stranded asset?
Stranded assets are investments that are not able to meet a viable economic return and which are likely to see their economic life curtailed due to a combination of technology, regulatory and/or market changes.
In the context of upstream energy production, the International Energy Agency defines stranded assets as "those investments which are made but which, at some time prior to the end of their economic life (as assumed at the investment decision point), are no longer able to generate an economic return, as a result of changes in the market and regulatory environment.”
The new EU agenda changes the economic perspective. Immediate economic implications:
Equipment will lose economic value
Some plants will have to close
Employees will have to be reallocated to other occupations.
Investment will have to increase, to repair or rebuild the capital stock.
was sind Konsequenzen für die Automobilindustrie?
all new cars must be carbon neutral by 2035, whcih means that all the procudction must change
Investment in the design of new combustion engine models will stop without delay.
The corresponding stock of patents, skills, and equipment will lose value prematurely.
Instead of being replaced at the end of its economic life, equipment will be discarded.
Plants will close, especially those of specialized subcontractors.
An abrupt transition is bound to result in the accelerated obsolescence of the existing physical and human capital stock.
wodurch wird ein asset ein stranded asset?
stranded assets can arise from policies put in place:
penalise carbon use
shifts in investor and consumer preferences
new technologies, that render older technologies obsolete
how Stranded assets will affect financial markets and the banking sector:
Stranded assets will affect financial markets and the banking sector:
Via the stranding of assets and the sudden re-pricing of climate-related financial risks,
With regards to the banking sector, the value of collateral may be reduced and credit losses may
Which could dent the capital and liquidity position of banks and other financial intermediaries, thereby weakening their ability to channel funds to the real economy.
If the financial system is weakened, the transmission of monetary policy may be impaired.
what is uncertainty in the context of climate change?
Climate-related events and risks are uncertain, and may be subject to non-linearities.
Physical risks have been categorised into acute and chronic events, and while some aspects of those risks can be predictable, there is increasing uncertainty as to the location, frequency and severity of these events.
For transition risks, there is uncertainty as to the future pathways that changes in policies, technology innovation and shifts in consumer sentiment contribute to shaping.
Probleme der Uncertainty beim Klimawandel:
no historical experience
goegraphically diverse
hard to predict
variety of possible futures
name the linkages between the climate change and the economy:
how does climate risks become financial risks and which?
name the type of risks and their economic outcome and timing effects:
Schaubild climate policies-economy interactions:
Last changed2 years ago