What are Labeled Property Graphs?
Based on the mathematical notion of graphs
Consists of nodes and relationships which can have labels and properties
True or False:
"While the RDF model is more about data exchange, the labeled property graph is purely about storage and querying"
What is a graph?
The overall data structure of all nodes and edges
What is a graph meta model?
Describes the underlying information model that is instantiated in the graph (comparable to an ontology in Linked Data)
What is a Graphlet?
A partial subset of the overall node and relationship set -
often refers to the matching result.
What does CRUD mean?
Create, Read, Update, Delete
What is Cypher?
Cypher is a declarative query language developed for Neo4j with pattern matching capabilities.
What is what?
What do those keywords do?
How does a create query in Cypher look like?
What does MERGE do? How does a merge query in Cypher look?
How are relationships added in CYPHER?
Get all nodes with a specific label:
Get related nodes with constraints on label and property:
Get label of relationship:
Get all nodes related by the specified relationship:
How do I change properties?
How do I set labels?
How do I delete a node?
RDF graphs vs. Property graphs
Last changeda year ago