The weak-interface position (Ellis)
Explicit knowledge facilitates implicit learning
1. prepares learners for noticing and intake or makes features salient (cf. Schmidt & Frota 1986)
2. may help noticing „the gap“:
• knowledge about language features makes it easier to compare one‘s own norms and the target norms
3. feeds internal monitoring:
• learners notice the gap between their output and what they know consciously
from noticing to processing: Processing instruction
• Proposed by VanPatten
• Type of instruction that keeps meaning in focus
• Based on the Input Processing model:
– Learners must notice elements of input to reach acquisition
– „noticing“ (registration of certain form)
—> „processing“ (link to meaning)
the strong interface position (DeKeyser)
• L2 knowledge commences in declarative form and is then changed into procedural form through communicative practice
• explicit knowledge can convert into implicit knowledge through practice
• Practice can take different forms
– communicative drills
– slot-and-frame patterns (X NEEDs VERBing)
– Real-life communicative practice
Learning / Acquisition - Hypothesis
• Acquisition
exposure to the target language
Participation in natural communication situations
Picking up of L2 forms without conscious attention to language form
• Learning: paying conscious attention to language in an effort to understand and memorize the rules
Error correction
Rule isolation
Overview of Krashen’s hypotheses
Noticing Hypothesis
• only features that Richard Schmidt noticed in the input later appeared in output
• formal instruction
– acts as an aid to acquisition by providing the learner with hooks or points of access
– works by helping learners to pay selective attention to form and meaning in the input
– provides learners with tools that help them to recognize features which are in need of modification
indirect effect of explicit knowledge: explicit knowledge as a facilitator
implicit knowledge can be item-based or rule-based
• Item-based implicit knowledge
consists of ready-made chunks of language (e.g. none of your business, I’m fine, head over heels)
• rule-based implicit knowledge
implicit knowledge consists of generalized and abstract structures which have been internalized
implicit knowledge is unanalysed
What’s your name?
zoo keeper
The board needs cleaning.
What is the relationship between implicit and explicit knowledge?
the non-interface position (Krashen)
• states that explicit knowledge does not 'mix' or interact with implicit knowledge in any way
• One may know a lot about the language and not be able to use it in communicative situations
• only ‘comprehensible input’ and not consciously learned knowledge can lead to acquisition
differences between implicit knowledge / explicit knowledge
dimensions of explicit & implicit knowledge
implicit knowledge - automatic processing
explicit knowledge - controlled processing
• We draw on implicit knowledge in unplanned language use: for easy and rapid language use
• explicit knowledge as declarative knowledge about rules is often used to edit or monitor production
• not the rules themselves become automatized, but rather the patterns, chunks or sentence frames
Last changed2 years ago