draft version of the chimpanzee genome was published in 2005
The chimpanzee is the closest living relative to humans.
The two species are nearly identical in DNA sequence (>98% identity)
different in phenotype
For comparison, Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, two fruit fly species that are nearly indistinguishable in phenotype, have DNA sequence divergence of over 5%.
Chimpanzee vs. Human - Where are the genomes divergent?
the Y chromosome is the most divergent, while the X chromosome is the least
higher mutation rate in the male germline, because male reproductive cells undergo more cell divisions than female.
The Y chromosome spends its entire evolutionary history in males
Autosomes spend 1/2 of their evolutionary history in males. The X chromosome spends 1/3 of its evolutionary history in males.
Thus, if there is a higher mutation rate in males, we would expect divergence to follow the pattern: Y > Autosomes > X
Chimpanzee vs. Human - Questions
If human and chimp are so similar at the DNA level, why are they so different in phenotype?
Are there genes specific to human or chimp that cause differences?
Are structural changes (i.e. amino acid replacements) responsible for the difference?
Are gene regulatory changes responsible for the difference?
Do changes in a few genes have a large effect on phenotype?
In recent years it has become possible to investigate such questions through comparative genomics.
1.23% between 1 human and 1 chimp genome (≈35 million single nucleotide changes)
Number is inflated because some nucleotide variants are polymorphic within humans or chimps -> proportion of fixed differences is ≈1%
Indel differences
“indels” = gaps in the alignment are caused by insertions or deletions of DNA bases
Divergence is calculated from single nucleotide differences in aligned sequences, excluding gaps
With gaps/indels:
≈5 million small (1–15 bp)
If counted as mismatches -> divergence around 5%
Protein level differences
- average protein shows 2 amino acid differences
- 30% of all proteins are identical between the two species
Epistatic interactions
Some variants known to cause human diseases are found in the chimp genome
- In many of these cases, the “disease” variant appears to be fixed in the chimp population and in many cases it appears to be the ancestral variant -> epistatic interactions between sites that lead to disease
- There may be compensatory mutations in the chimp that render the mutations “harmless” in the chimp genetic background.
Nucleotide divergence
epistatic interactions
Chimpanzee vs. Human - Where are they divergent?
Y chromosome is the most divergent
higher mutation rate in the male germline
male reproductive cells undergo more cell divisions than female
Y chromosome spends its entire evolutionary history in males
X chromosome is the least divergent
X chromosome spends 1/3 of its evolutionary history in males
Autosomes spend 1/2 of their evolutionary history in males.
-> Y > Autosomes > X
Nucleotide divergence - Problem
There are also much larger insertions/deletions, differences in gene or genome region copy number, differences in transposable elements, and differences in repetitive DNA that are not considered in the calculation of divergence.
OR genes
in human vs. apes
Olfactory receptor genes
largest gene family in mammalian genomes
involved in the sense of smell.
over 1,000 OR genes in the human genome
40% have an intact open reading frame (ORF) -> other 60% are pseudogenes
other great apes (Menschenaffen), around 70% of OR genes have an intact ORF -> appears OR genes are being lost rapidly in humans
OR genes are being lost rapidly in humans Why?
humans are the only primates who consume cooked food
speculate that cooking leads to a reduced need to identify toxins in foods (since these are denatured by cooking)
some of the OR genes that remain in the human genome show evidence for positive selection
many unnecessary OR genes are lost and become pseudogenes, but others have evolved adaptively in humans.
Estimate type of selection acting on a protein-encoding gene
Can be estimated from the Ka/Ks ratio (also called dN/dS).
Ka = the number of nonsynonymous differences per nonsynonymous site
Ks = the number of synonymous differences per synonymous site
Ka/Ks < 1: negative (purifying) selection
Ka/Ks = 1: no selection; completely neutral evolution
Ka/Ks > 1: positive selection
Note that Ka/Ks is sometimes known as dN/dS or ω (omega)
Search for positively selected proteins/genes
+ Problems
compare all protein-encoding genes between human and chimp and look for those with Ka/Ks > 1
If an additional outgroup species is used, such as macaque or mouse, one can determine if selection occurred on the human lineage or on the chimp lineage
Some newer statistical methods can detect positive selection even when Ka/Ks < 1
Since these studies examine thousands of genes at once, they are not very powerful for detecting individual genes because of the problem of multiple testing
types of genes tend to show an enrichment of positively selected genes
tumor supression and apoptosis
sensory perception
immune defense
testes expressed genes
genes on the X chromosome
Interestingly, these same groups of genes tend to show up as positively selected in comparisons of other species, such as mouse-rat or D. melanogaster-D. simulans.
-> they do not appear to be special to humans.
Contrary to what might be expected for humans, there is little evidence for positive selection on genes expressed specifically in brain.
Individual gene studies
In recent years, a number of individual genes have been proposed to play an important role in the phenotypic differentiation of humans and chimps
In general, these are genes that were identified because mutations in them cause human defects
humans with mutations in this gene have impaired speech and language skills
humans with mutations in this gene have primary microcephaly (small brain of ≈400 cm3). A normal human brain has a volume of ≈1,400 cm3.
humans with mutations in this gene have primary microcephaly
mutations in this gene also cause primary microcephaly in humans.
Individual gene studies - Results
These genes show evidence for accelerated evolution (more amino acid changes) in lineages leading to humans
This suggests that natural selection may have favored larger brains and the ability to use language in humans
There is also population genetic evidence that suggests that the two microcephaly genes (microcephalin and ASPM) continue to evolve adaptively in the human population, but this is controversial
It has also been suggested that a microcephalin allele was introgressed into modern humans from a now extinct Homo lineage, as there are two highly divergent alleles present in modern humans
Gene expression Comparison
humans and chimps are so similar in DNA and protein sequence, -> many of the phenotypic differences between species may be caused by differences in gene expression.
That is: when, where, and how much the genes are expressed.
The first large-scale comparison of human and chimp gene expression was performed in 2002
These authors compared the transcriptomes of blood, liver, and brain from humans, chimps, orangutans, and macaques using two different types of microarrays.
They also compared human and chimp proteomes using 2D-PAGE.
Gene expression Comparison - Microarray 1
Affymetrix human oligonucleotide GeneChips (≈12,000 genes).
RNA was from from brain and liver of 3 humans, 3 chimps, and 1 orangutan
All RNA was extracted from dead males.
A similar experiment was performed using 3 mouse species of nearly equal divergence as the primate species and Affymetrix mouse chips.
Gene expression Comparison - Microarray 2
cDNA microarrays (human unigene set, ≈18,000 genes) were used to compare blood, liver, and brain expression among humans, chimps, and rhesus macaques
Gene expression Comparison - Results (+ 2D page)
+ conclusion
the brain transcriptome appeared to evolve faster along the human lineage
consistent with the hypothesis that rapid evolution of the human brain was caused by changes in gene expression
2D-PAGE comparison of proteomes:
found a large excess of “quantitative” changes in human brain, relative to “qualitative” changes
This is also consistent with many changes in brain gene expression.
=> Conclusion: Biggest difference between human and chimp is gene expression in the brain.
Gene expression - Results 2004
This study used arrays of 28,000 cDNAs to compare expression in brain and liver of human, chimp, orangutan, and macaque.
found a linear change in both brain and liver expression divergence with time – no increase of expression changes in the human brain
This is analogous to a “molecular clock” of gene expression, which would be expected under neutral evolution
How do they explain the contradiction between the two studies
The first study was based on only about 5% of brain-expressed genes
a) fewer genes on chips
b) results based only on genes with expression differences between chimp and human
(Reference: Khaitovich et al., 2004. A neutral model of transcriptome evolution. PLoS Biology 2: e132.)
Gene expression - Results 2005
With the completion of the chimp genome, it became possible to compare both rates of expression divergence and rates of protein divergence of genes expressed in different tissues
In a comparison of genes expressed in brain, heart, liver, kidney, and testis, it was found that genes expressed in brain evolve the slowest at both the expression and protein level.
Genes expressed in testis evolve the fastest
(Reference: Khaitovich et al., 2005. Parallel patterns of evolution in the genomes and transcriptomes of humans and chimpanzees. Science 309: 1850-1854)
Gene expression - Results 2006
Although the brain may show fewer gene expression/protein changes between human and chimp when compared to other tissues, when the changes are mapped onto the human or chimp lineage, there is an excess of changes in the lineage leading to humans.
This suggests that either:
there is a reduction of purifying selection in the human brain, allowing more changes to accumulate
natural selection has favored gene expression and amino acid changes in the evolution of the human brain
There is some evidence supporting the second possibility:
the regions of the human genome containing these genes that changed in expression show higher linkage disequilibrium (LD) than regions with genes that did not change
This is consistent with “selective sweeps”, where positive selection reduces variation and increases LD in regions of the genome containing a target of selection
(Reference: Khaitovich et al., 2006. Positive selection on gene expression in the human brain. Current Biology 16: R356)
The metabolome
At the level of metabolites (small molecules of <1,500 Daltons that are extracted from various tissues), there are many differences between human and chimp, with the majority of the changes occurring on the human lineage
The greatest changes appear to have occurred in muscle, followed by the brain
It has been hypothesized that the energy requirements of the human brain have led to a reduction in energy consumption by muscles
could explain why humans have larger brains with greater cognitive abilities, but have weaker muscles than chimps and other primates
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