3 Points why we need SHACL on top of OWL?
- OWL does not prevent you from defining deviating RDF triples
- OWL provides some reasoning to check compliance of instance data but not full validation
- Triple stores by default do not apply any data validation (only generic validation => Correcly formulated)=> Open world assumption
Check if data is compliant with the underlying ontologies or application specific requirements
What is SHACL?
SHACL provides a vocabulary for selecting "target nodes" and defining constraints
It is a W3C recommendation and uses RDF language as a basis to validate RDF data graphs
It makes the closed world assupmtion
Same as on slide:
What is the overall concept of SHACL? Name the 3 graphs?
What is SHACL Shapes?
It is an RDF graph that represents validation rules and thereby a collection of targets and constrains
The graph consits out of node shapes and property shapes
Make a SHACL Shape:
Check if all instances of class ex:Person have exactly one ex:lastName attribute that is of datatype string and has not more than 20 characters.
Name four shape targets:
What are 6 potential sh:nodeKind vocabularies?
How do I decleare property shapes?
Name a few SHACL property constrains:
Constrain how many pets a Person can have:
How to check for the node kind of a property of a class?
Why does this fail?
: johnName is not a blank note or a litteral
How do logical operators in SHACL look like?
What are the closed and ignoredProperties SHACL predicates?
(In the lecture they where unsure if this is correct)
How does the SHACL pattern check look like?
How can I define the severity and message of a shape?
Explain the following validation results:
What are three Components SHACL Shapes consits of?
What is the SWRL?
In which language would you model this. How?
All customers that have purchased more than three pizzas will get a discount of 20% on their order.
In purpose:
Change data graph:
Which Assumption does SHACL apply?
Closed World Assumption
What does the acroym SHACL stand for?
Shapes Constraint Language
there is alos a PropertyShape Node!
Last changed2 years ago