The role of transport processes in biological systems
Many organs, such as the lungs, liver and kidney, are organized to enable the rapid exchange of molecules between the blood and the tissue.
In addition, various levels of biological organization can be explained by the rates of transport or molecules from their sources to their sites of delivery
Alterations in transport processes are important factors in several diseases, such as artherosclerosis, cancer and kidney diseases
Understanding the transport is important for the characterization and operation of several devices and the development of new therapies
Biological systems and key functions ans corredponding medical devices
Levels of biological organization
Types of transport
What is Diffusion?
Random molecular motion
Transport across concentration gradients
Movement of molecules from high to low concentration regions
-> The net movement of a substance from a region of high to a region of low concentration
->Molecules are in a constant motion due to thermal energy (Albumin’s average speed is 6m/s)
->Molecules are constantly colliding and changing directions (Random walks)
>Molecules initially placed in one location tend to spread out over time —-> Diffusion
Diffusion on a molecular scale
Random movement of particles suspended in a fluid resulting from fast collisions by molecules in the fluid
A molecule collides around about a billion times per second, resulting in random motions
The collision frequency depends on the size and shape of particle, velocity of the liquid, temperature, mean free path, etc.
Random walk: net molecular motion arising from random collisions
What would be the velocity of a small particle (e. g. a protein lysozyme, MW 14kg/mol) if it were to move without collision?
Boltzmann’s constant:
Kinetic energy associated with movement along each axis
Derivation of Diffusions coeffcients
Fick‘s first law
Fick’s second law of diffusion
Deviation of Fick’s second law of diffusion
Diffusion across membranes
Convective transport
Movement of molecules resulting from the bulk movement of a fluid
Fluid movement resulting from the application of forces (gravity, pressure, shearing forces
Reynolds number
Blood damage
Laminar and turbulent flow during ventilation
Convective mass transport in biological tissue
Darcy’s law
Convective mass transfer at interfaces
The transport of material between a boundary surface and a moving fluid or between two immiscible moving fluids separated by a mobile interface
Free convection: Gradients inside the fluid: Temperature, density, concentration differences
Forced convection: Movement of fluid under the influence of external forces (pressure difference), Laminar or turbulent
Key difference beween convection and diffusion:
Convection = Movement of large mass of particles in the same direction through the fluid
Diffusion = Movement of single particles and transfer of particle’s momentum and energy to other particles in the fluid
Convective mass transport at phase boundaries: lungs
Dimensionless numbers
Convective mass transfer rate
Two-film theory
Solid-liquid interfaces
Gas-liquid interfaces
Relative importance of convection and diffusion
Peclet number Pe
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