Pressure distribution of a tree
Water transport within a tree
leaf open stomata to let C02 in and water vapour + O2 out
this process creates high negative pressure in the leaf
soil pressure is less negative
water is transported via xylem
Equation for calculating transpiration from a single leaf
E = evaporative flux density
gL = diffusional conductance of the leaf
Xi = mole fraction of water at the surface of palisade and mesophyl cells
Xo = mole fraction of water vapour surrounding the leaf
Variables affecting surface conductance
Solar radiation (W/m2)
Temperature (°C)
Specific humidity deficit (g/kg)
Soil moisture deficit (mm)
Transpiration from large stand of trees or a forest what do we look at?
net radiation
Vapour pressure deficit (VPD)
way of expressing the difference between the potential maximum air moisture and the actual air moisture
when VPD high -> large difference between actual air moisture and potential maximum air moisture -> gradient between leaf moisture and air moisture is high -> facilitating transpiration -> plant lowers conductance to decrease consumption of soil water
Hydraulic lift
deeper roots lift water to shallower depth by differences in water potential
at shallow depth water flows from root to soil
mainly at night (no photosynthesis)
beneficial for plants around with shallow root system
benefits for the plant itself:
assists in seedling success
maintain root health (smoothing the soil moisture)
increase water availability in daytime
promotes nutrient uptake
Hydraulic redistribution
When drought:
hormone signals from roots to leaf (lower the gs!)
root morphology changes -> loss of fine roots, insulation (suberisation) of root surfaces and formation of corky layers
-> decrease in whole plant hydraulic conductance -> water potential more negative at lower values of E
in case of very severe drought: fruther lowering of conductance due to cavitation of xylem vessels (following very low water potential) -> Embolism
Watter logging
soil water saturation or ponding water
inhibits gaseous exachange with atmosphere (oxygen in soil is used up) -> worst case: root death
flood tolerant species: changes in root morphology: root thickening and increase of porosity (increase of rate of oxygen diffusion to root tops)
floos sensitive species: root and shoot growth rapidly reduce, root tips may be damaged
stomatal conductance
with increased sunlight
with higer temperature (up to a point -> species dependend)
when leaf internal CO2 concentrations fall below ambient levels in the atmosphere
when soil is dry (chemical signal from roots (abscisic acid, ABA)
as realitve humidity near to leaf gets lower (only true for around half of known species)
when leaf water potential drops
Variables controlling diffusional conductance of the leaf
PAR: photosythetically Active Radiation (visible light)
leaf temperature
VPD: vapour pressure deficit
leaf water potential
Water potential
depending on:
solute potential (NaCl molecules attract water molecules
pressure potential
matric potential (soil is made of small particles, providing surfaces unto which water binds (hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces)
gravitational potential arises from the force that gravity exerts on water
-> solute and pressure potential are of interest to us
Ohm’s analogy
viewing hydraulic conductance as electrical conductance
driving force of sap ascent is continuous decrease in Px (xylem pressure) in direction of sap flow
evaporative flux density from leaves is proportional to negative of pressure gradient (-dPx/dx) at any point along the transpiration stream
the longer the water path, the longer the stem Px need to drop (species specific is drop is small or large)
biggest resistance is in vapour transport: leaf to atmosphere (determined by stomata)
Last changed2 years ago