Effect of surface sealing on infiltration
not clear
leakage from pipes and sewers increase groundwater recharge
excess irrigation may increase groundwater recharge
infiltration hotspots contribute to infiltration
BUT often groundwater extraction
What is urban karst?
describes network of human-made subsurface pathways (e.g. stormwater and sanitary sewer pipes and high permeability trenches
mounding effect (hill of water of groundwater table due to point source of recharge)
infiltrates water potentially lead to increased ET or transpiration
increased baseflow
infiltrated water may be lost to leaking sewer pipes
Problems with decreasing AND increasing grounwater levels
problems for water provision
damage to buildings due to subsidence
flooded cellars, metro stations
Groundwater quality in urban areas
always at risk!
-> road runoff
-> oil spill
-> leakages
Last changed2 years ago