Overview (method, advantages and disadvantages)
Variables within measurements
hydrological variables: precipitation, interception, evapotranspiration, grounwater level, …
ecological variables: vegetation cover, biomass, leaf area index, …
chemical and physical variables: soil properties (texture, porosity, …), pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and pollutants
challenges for urban measuring and monitoring
high heterogeneity: ecohydrological characterisitcs change dramatically over very small space and very quickly -> need for high spatial and temporal resolution
vandalism: installed devices attract attention
permission: device installation, soil/water sampling, drone flying all need permits
curiosity: when working in field, curiosity ill make people ask questions
How to measure soil moisture?
Tensiometer: measures soil water tension -> can be converted to soil moisture
time-domain reflectometry: sends electrical signal through steel rods placed in soil and measures signal and wet soil returns signal
How to measure sensible/latent heat, water vapour density, ET, …?
Eddy covariance technique/ Eddy flux tower:
multiple instruments
measurement of turbulent fluxes
ultrasonic anemometer-thermometer obtains fast-response values of wind components
infrared gas analyser measures fast-response water vapour density and CO2 density
-> combination of measurement: sensible, latent heat and ET can be estimated
How can the sap flow be measured?
heated sensors: measuring the temperature diffenrence between heated sensors at 1.5m height in cardinal direction
-> older larger trees need more sets of sensors
-> sensor values were averaged and converted to sap flux velocity in mm/h
How can the water balance components be measured?
What is the problem with measurements from satellited and drones (can measure land-surface temperature and vegetation cover)
-> urban studies require higher resolution
-> very expensive
What are stable water isotopes?
conservative tracers in hydrological cycle
mainly deuterium and oxygen eighteen
“stable” as individual atoms do not change by chemical or other process
process in catchments (mixing or fractioning) can lead to enrichment or depletion of isotopic signatures
important concepts: GWML, LMWL, soil evaporation lines, dual-isotope plot
global meteoric water line
-> describes relationship between deuterium and oxygen eighteen -> can be illustrated with dual isotop plot
oxygen eighteen enriches more easily than deuterium -> evaporation leads to negative D-excess
local meteoric waterline
-> describes relationship locally -> due to local energy balance and rainfall, LMWL is expected to deviate from GMWL
other waterline are for example local soil evaporative line (LSEL) -> stable water isotope values of soil water
Kuhlemann et al.
field study at TU Berlin:
six soil water sensors at different depths under different vegetation covers
soil water are more enriched than groundwater and local streams
soil water under grassland deviates from LMWL
soil water under trres most enriched along the LWML
Marx et al.
seasonal variation in soil-plant interactions in contrasting urban green spaces
multiple parks in Berlin
measurement at 0-5cm, using handheld probe, showed much higher dynamic from installed sensors -> rewetting druing summer mainly in most upper part of soil cover
values from grassland showed higher variablility than from below trees
Last changed2 years ago