Message Passing Interface (MPI)
- Open standard, portable and versatile.
- Natively supports C, C++ and FORTRAN
SPMD paradigm
“Single Program, Multiple Data” (SPMD) paradigm
The same binary is started on all nodes in an MPI job at the same time
Might be started multiple times on same node
Processes know how to reach each other (communications channels)
All variables have the same name and address in every process, but are always local!
Message Passing Paradigma / Interface
Processes send each other messages
Messages go from source rank(s) to destination rank(s)
Messages contain size items of a single data type
Actual encoding of messages on the communications channel is implementation-dependent
Most implementations support multiple channels (e.g. IPC/shared memory between processes on the same node and TCP/IP or InfiniBand between nodes)
Content of messages is entirely up to programmer
Keeps the API very simple, flexible and fast But requires more work
Every process gets a random sequential index (the rank)
Determined by the implementation, but usually the an external componenten (e.g. the batch system) assigns the ranks
All processes are started using a wrapper command called mpirun or mpiexec
All decisions (e.g. distribution of data) are based on rank numbers
Sequential parts of the code are usually assigned to rank 0 (arbitrary choice)
Peer-to-Peer communication
One source, one destination
Sender calls MPI_Send(). This call only returns after destionation has called
MPI_receive(), read and acknowledged the message
If destination never calls MPI_receive() or crashes, sender hangs
Sender calls MPI_Isend(), call returns immediately and sender continues with work
Destination calls MPI_Irecv() at some point and sends back acknowledgement
Sender can call MPI_Test() or MPI_Wait() if it wants to check/wait for an acknowledgement
Peer-to-Peer communication rules
Sender must specify a valid destination rank
Receiver must specify a valid source rank (or wildcard on destination)
Communicators must be identical
Tags must be identical (or wildcard on destination)
Data type must be identical
Receive buffer must be large enough
Last changed2 years ago