When we have scanlines in rectified images, how can we find correspondances? What methods are there?
search along same scanline (1D search)
two methods:
straightforward search by pixelwise similarity
-> smallest inteisity difference -> correspondence
more reliable strategy: block-wise similarity (i.e. window around the pixel of interest)
What is the advantage of windowing around the point of interest to search point correpondances?
average effects of noise or mis-calibration
What are the effects of window size on the disparity map?
smaller window: (-> if window = 1 -> degenerates to pixel-wise…)
more detail
more noise
larger window:
smoother disparity maps
less detail
Does block matching suffice in real-world?
no, still too noisy!
How can we improve the correspondance search in dense correspondence establishment (i.e. stereo camera)?
there are additional “soft” constraints beside the epipolar constraint
-> use these to improve search
i.e. disparity gradient: disparity changes smoothly between points that lie om same surface
What is a homography?
transformation of point correspondances (typically, 2D-2D)
derived based on perspective projection (-> more general than affine transformation)
encodes co-planarity information
How can we derive a homography?
3D plane expression:
the normal of the plane the point lies on dot point on plane + disntance form origion = 0
projective geometry
point in right image = transformation of 3D point in left frame (i.e. P) and projection with K
-> here; we can add the term in the red box as according to first equaiton, equals 1…
bring P outside (distributive law)
and then, we can replace P by denormalizing of normalized image coords p1
-> thus, we achive a formula that sets p1 and p2 into relation
here, H is out homograpy…
What equation does a pair of points in homogenous coordinates satifsfy w.r.t. homography?
are up to scale…
=> 8 DOF (H33 -> scale)
How can we take the 8 DOF in the homography into consideration=?
without loss of generality
-> can set last element of Homography to 1…
How can we solve the homography?
-> each point correspondance provides two linear constraints
=> linear system w.r.t. elements of homography defined by four point correspondances
What are similiarities and differences in essential matrix and homography?
both encode relative pose information
different point correspondences can be fitted by same matrix
essential matrix derived from arbitrary 3D points
homography derived form coplanar 3D points (vgl. zhang…)
essential matrix computation needs at least 5 point correspondances
homography computation needs at least 4 point correspondances
Last changed2 years ago