Delta Debugging
Finding failure-inducing essence
Minimization with Delta Debugging
Algorithm: C={▲1 ,…, ▲n } with ▲i pairwise disjoint
Test each ▲i plus its complement ▼i=C - ▲i
If testing any ▲i fails: Split ▲i in n=2 halves and recurse. Classical divide and conquer.
Otherwise, if testing any ▼i fails: Split ▼i in n-1 blocks and recurse Why n-1? Testing results of earlier invocation can be re-used!
Otherwise, if no test failed, increase granularity – try again with 2*n subsets If 2*n larger than original test T, use |T|
Repeat until granularity cannot be increased. Then, we have tried to remove any single element of a test.
Fault Localization
Fault localization with program / hit spectra
Check how often each block of the program is visited by passing and failing test cases.
Use similarity metrics to create a ranked list of similar blocks. (hard to choose metric)
Fault localization based on code metrics
Do certain code properties affect software failures? (e.g., code complexity, problem domain, past history, or process quality)
Case study reveals significant correlation between complexity metrics and post-release defects.
But, different metrics correlate for each project.
Fault localization based on code churn
Is the amount of change in a module an indicator for its error-proneness?
Promising results for single projects, but further research needs to be done.
Fault Clustering
Reduce failure analysis time by clustering the failures
Cluster encompasses failures caused by same fault
investigate only one representative of the clusters
Confounding bias
independent part of the program is associated with a program failure
-> Tackling the issue: take dynamic calls and explicit data-dependency graphs of failing tests into account
Last changed2 years ago