What does path dependence refer to?
Path dependence refers to the contingent selection of a stable equilibrium in a sequential stochastic process that is non-ergodic
Pfadabhängigkeit bezieht sich auf die zufällige Auswahl eines stabilen Gleichgewichts in einem sequentiellen stochastischen Prozess, der nicht ergodisch ist
Which conditions need to be satisfied in order to define a process as path dependent?
Initial conditions affects the development and final outcome of the process (equilibrium)
Small events affects the development and final outcome of the process
Small events are random and exogenous
The sequence of small events matters
What is the mechanism behind technological lock in?
Technological lock in results from a process in which a technology prevails over another —> equilibrium
Absence of external shocks and self-reinforcing learning loops —> Equilibrium is persistant
Switching technology
—> cognitive sunk costs
Positive network externalities (positive feedback) coming from the usage of a technology —>
Technical interrelatedness
Increasing returns
What do we mean by Strategic Niche Management and what is its aim?
Strategic Niche Management is a strategy to
introduce and protect innovative technologies from competition,
enabling changes in the socio-technical regime of an economy
Technological niches are spaces where new technologies are tested for
market demand,
societal issues,
—> facilitating the development of proto-markets
What does the DIV and RTA measure?
What is the main difference between path dependence and path creation?
Path dependence: Paths are dependent on random, stochastic events
Path creation: Paths are created and designed through agents’ intentionality
—> Path dependency and path creation differ in their conception of path constitution
Why is it not trivial to disentangle stochastic from intentional events according to Arthur (1988)?
What the observer thinks about the nature of an event is not necessarily correct because of his “limited discerning power”
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