Intensity-Normalization: Min-max
Matching the range:
Sensitive to outliers —> e% of CDF
Solves global intensity shifts
SOlves not the contrast differences
Intensity-normalization: Mean-std
Matching mean and std:
less sensitive to outliers
Intesity shifts but ni contrast difference
Intensity-Normalization: Landmark based
Non-linear transformation
Histogram normalization with landmarks
Piecewise mapping
Noise supression
random noise
imaging artifacts due to imprerfections in aquisition
fast aquisition
Additive noise: J(x) = I(x) + e(x)
Multiplicative noise: J(x) = I(x)e(x)
Rician noise in MRI:
Given noisy image J remove noise to get I
Noise supression - Linear filters (Convolution
Sum: discrete case, integral continuous case
Easy to implement, efficient, linear
Blur edges, not context aware, sensitive to outliers
Linear filters always blur edges while removing noise
Noise supression - Median filter
For each location, rank all neighboring intensities and reassign the median as result
Sliding window approach as with conv
Other rank filters: min, max, non-linear, not commutative
Robust to outliers, no response to spikes, preserves edges, easy to implement, no new intensities
Patchy results, image content can change (structures etc.)
Noise supression - Non-local means
Takes a mean of all pixels in the image weighted by how similar these pixels are to the target pixel —> use redundancy in image
w(x,y) assess similarity between image information at x and y
Use W(x) instead of all pixels: averaging in a small search window
High noise suppression and preserves edges
may create artifacts, and low efficiency
Noise suppression - Energy based
Denoising as energy minimization problem
lambda: weight coefficient
D(I,J): Data consistency
R(I): Regularization
Bias correction
Acquisition artifact: field inhomogeneity, electrical characteristics of tissue, poor uniformity of coils, gradients and eddy currents, MRI has it
minimal effect on viual interpretation, but high effect on algorithms
Non-linear effect on intenities that vary spatially
Mathematical: j=bi + n —> multiplicative factor
Methods: hardware side, manuallly plaxed landmarks, joint segmentation, N3
N3 algorithm
c= a+b => fc = fa * fb when a and b are independent random variables
Bias Problem: j(x) = b(x) + i(x)
J(j) = I * B
Step 1: Field estimate - estimate b given i
Step 2: I(i) estimation: J = I * B
Approximate I by sharpening J
I is only an approximation because filter is only an estimation and we ignored noise
If B too wide inverse filtering may fail —> iterate naby times with a small Gaussian
N3 Algorithm - Pseudocode
Variations in image and pixel-size
Problem: Images with different pixel/image size/FOV —> compare heterogeneous images
Reasons: differences in acquisition, FOV; pixel site
! When comparing meas, registration, ML applications
Formula to match pixel sizes: ratio = original pixel size/new pixel size
Important: Use pixel size of each image fro matching
Pad or crop to make the image size the same
Information is stored in DICOM files
Last changeda year ago