y=f(x) = g(x, params)
Besteht aus Verkettungen gN bis g1
g(x, params) = g1(x, W, b) = sigmoid(Wx +b)
Mulilayered: Verkettung
Single layer:
Specialized NN for data with grid like structure: Images, time series,….
Naive approach: vectorized image to FCN —> too many parameters, lack of translation invariance
Convolution is a mathematical operation on 2 functions f and g
Integral of the product of 2 functions after one of them is reveres and shifted
Convolutional Operator
Convolution of Imahe and kernel
COnvolutions are commutative
Visually: moving kernel successively across the imge and perform a dot product at each location
Convolution vs. Cross-corelation
Cross correlation if often implemented under the name of convolution
Convlutional layer
Performing convolution instead of matrix multiplication
Number of output channels: number of independent convolutions
Number of input channels: 3 in RGB images
Convolutions können auch auch multiple input channels angewandt werden —> 3D convlution
Kernel size
Weight matrix corresponding to convolutional layer is: Nin X k1 X k2 x Nout
Padding: same padding with zeros
Calculate Output size after Kernel
Receiptive field
Region in the input image that a pixel in the output feature map is affected by
As the network depth increases, the receptive field increases and more global information is encoded
Last changeda year ago