Name the two growth models and give one example each
Solow-Swan (1956)
New growth theories
Romer (1986, 1990)
How does a Cobb-Douglas production function with constant returns to scale and diminishing returns to per capita capital looks like?
Name short and long run implications of the Solow-Swan Model.
If At = constant (no technological progress)
If At changes over time
In the Solow-Swan model, what are the properties of the Cobb-Douglas production function?
Write down the production function and prove those properties.
Represent graphically the capital accumulation function of the Solow-Swan model showing
the optimal level of per capita capital in the steady-state equilibrium
What happens to the per capita capital 𝒈𝒌 when the saving rate s increases?
In what does the growth accounting approach consist of?
In growth theories, what is the relationship between the Total Factor Productivity (TFP), A, and the Solow residual?
Cobb-Douglas function:
TFP is the total output after getting rid of the growth due to increase in factor inputs
Represented by A
Solow-Swan model: A is exogenous
In the Solow-Swan model, what is the determinant of continuous growth even in the long run?
Per capita growth of capital (K) and output (Y) is zero for a fixed level of s,n and A
s and A can be varied over time —> affect steady state levels of K and Y
Increase in s —> temporarily increase the per capita output growth
Change in A (technological change) —> continuous growth in the long run
Decrease in n —> steady state level of k increases but no long-term growth
In which sense are the new growth theories endogenous?
What is the general specification of the production function for a firm i?
What is the economy-wide production function?
Relaxing the assumption of diminishing marginal returns
Accounting for spillovers
Explain Adam Smith’s vision
What is technological change?
To what does it lead?
Where do different productivity growth rates result from?
How is growth and technological change explained?
Technological change means labor specialization —>
economic growth,
evolution of society
Different productivity growth rates results from the introduction of new divisions of labor
Growth in one sector pulls other sectos until capital accumulation and economic growth reach their natural limit
—> Growth as an endogenous process
—> Technological change is also endogenous
Explain Simon Kuznets’ vision on technical progress and growth?
Mass diffusion of innovations is the base for further technical progress and therefore growth
Growth is self-fuelled thanks to the presence of positive feedbacks
Why is the Solow-Swan model limited?
Key parameters are exogenous or not modeled (e.g. human capital, technical change)
Externalities are not accounted for
No empirical evidence supporting the theory of convergence across countries
Explain the endogenous growth theory by Rebelo (1991)
Explain similarities in the endogenous growth theory by Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988)
Further explain the endogenous growth theory by Romer (1986)
What is the source of externality?
What is the consequence of such externalities?
Further explain the endogenous growth theory by Lucas (1988)
Where do externalities derive from?
What is the main idea?
What is the production function?
What is the growth rate of human capital?
To what converges the level of income in the long run?
Does the saving rate has an effect on the growth rate?
Define structural change (SC)
What is Schumpeter’s view on SC?
What is Kuznets’ view on SC?
SC refers to the long-term and persistent reallocation of production factors across sectors of an economy
Schumpeter: Innovation leads to SC
Kuznets: SCs are necessary for economic growth
Explain how productivity growth can be achieved
The structural change component of productivity growth can take positive or negative respectively enhancing or reducing output growth
What is it used for
Do GPTs deliver productivity gains immediately?
Name three characteristics of GPTs
Name some other GPT indicators
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