Arten von Medien
- Visuell (Bilder)
- Auditiv (didaktische auditive Medien & authentische auditive Medien)
- Audio-visuell (Filme, Videos)
- Multimedial/ digitale Medien (MALL = mobile assisted language learning)
reminder: Bücher sind auch Medien
Definition Medienkompetez (3 Komponenten)
Medienkompetenz =
o Medienwissen
o Mediennutzung
o Medienreflexion
media literacy nach dem Aspen Media Literacy Institute, 1992
Media literacy =
The ability to
Access, analyse, evaluate & create media
In a variety of forms
media literacy nach dem Center for Media Literacy
Media literacy
Builds an understanding of the role of media in society
As well as
Essential skills of inquiry and self-expression
Necessary for citizens of a democracy
5 fundamental key concepts of Media literacy
o Media are constructions
o Audiences negotiate meaning
o Media have commercial implications
o Media has its own unique aesthetic form
o Media is social and political
Last changeda year ago