What does “conservation goals are moving targets” mean?
systems are in flux
need for an understanding of change over timescales beyond human experience
goals are changing
What is the function of mycorrhiza?
o Symbiosis between plant and fungus
o Almost all plants form this symbiosis
o Nitrogen, Phosphate aufnahme
o Fungus know nutrient vs. carbon exchange amount of each partner and adapts
bezeichnet einen Gleichgewichtszustand eines offenen dynamischen Systems, der durch einen internen regelnden Prozess aufrechterhalten wird. Sie ist damit ein Spezialfall der Selbstregulation von Systemen. Der Begriff wird in zahlreichen Disziplinen wie zum Beispiel in der Physik, Chemie, Biologie, Ökologie, in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Soziologie, der Psychologie, der Sportwissenschaften, der Medizin oder in der Rechtswissenschaft angewendet. Ein System in Homöostase ist ein Homöostat.
When did humanity start to have significant impact on ecosystems?
~11.000-9.000 a.p. Emerge of significant human niche construction, initial Domestication of plants and animals
What is “Paleo data”?
fossil and archeological information
ecoevolutionary information from body, trace, and chemical fossils
Cilmate proxy records
extremely long-term Earth system information
What is “Indigenous data”?
oral histories and other sources
Ecosystem baselines
climate phenomena and information on natural cycles
Holistic ecosystem assessments and management information
What is “Historical data”?
written and image records
Qualitative information on climate cycles
often focused on economically relevant natural resources
What is “Instrumental data”?
sensor readings and other information
direct seasonal-to-daily measurements of ecological and climate variables
What are some traits that can cause higher extinction rates?
narrowly distributed taxa
lower latitudal range (°)
Lessons from past extintions:
species distribution models: major role played by landscape fragmentation on megafauna
Whats Ecological niche modeling (ENM)?
uses computer algorithms to predict the distribution of a species across geographic space and time using environmental data
How does Paleoecology provide for conservation decisions?
creates Long-term fluctuating baselines for: how ecosystems, species, populations, genetic structure vary naturally through time and space
critical context for modern biomonitoring
redefine preconceptions of pre-human ecosystems , establish which ecosystem states are truly novel, and reveal ecosystems that retain elements of their prior condition before human impact.
Demonstrating biotic outcomes of many “natural experiments” in global change
Species invasion
shows impact of megafaunal loss
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