What is public relations?
Management of the relationships of an organization with the public in search of mutual
understanding, generating as a consequence a positive corporate
reputation. Its about corporate image & reputation.
What is the Public?
All those sectors that belong to the environment of the organization and with which the organization is related.
The concept of Public is not synonymous with Target.
Whos the Public for the example of EUSA (name 5)?
- Employees/Executives.
- Other organizations or institutions.
- Real and potential customers.
- Neighboring entities.
- Mass Media.
- Associations.
- Sponsors/Suppliers/Investors/Shareholders.
- Financial Institutions/Other Universities.
- Public Administration/Government.
What is an organisation?
The term “organization” comes from the Greek organon that was the instrument to do or achieve something
The set of people with the
appropriate means that work to achieve a specific purpose.
An organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a
business or government department.
What is the systemic perspective of public relations?
The systemic perspective of public relations describes a consequential relationship between the organization system and the rest of the systems in its environment.
When the system organization has consequences on other external systems (public) both systems interpretate and depic conseqences for the organitation
This allows us to identify the public map of the organization.
What are the different systemic perspectives of public relations?
That the term organization can be approached from different perspectives:
Legal perspective: Legal person subject to contractual and fiscal rights and obligations, etc.
Sociological Perspective: Group of people who cooperate and coordinate their activities to achieve a specific objective.
Systemic perspective: Integrated set of parts that work as a whole (System Theory).
As a subsystem of the organization
What are the 4 PR-models according to Grunding and Hunt?
Press Agentry
Public Information
Two-Way Asymmetrical Communication
Two-Way Symmetrical Communication
What are the 4 criteria which describe those characteristics?
Nature of communication
Nature of research
Where practiced today
What are the characteristics of the Press Agentry model and where is it used today?
One-Way communication
Influencing the audience
Sports, theatre and product promotion
What are the characteristics of the Public Information model and where is it used today?
Meaningful information
Media Relations techniques
Government, non-profit associations, business
What are the characteristics of the Two-way asymetric communication model and where is it used today?
Two-Way communication
imbalanced communication
Competitive Business, agencies
What are the characteristics of the Two-way symetric communication model and where is it used today?
Ethical model
Two-way communication
mutual understanding
resolve conflicts
What are the 4 links of Esman?
1. Enabling linkage: are the links with organizations and social groups that provide the authority and control the resources that make the existence of the organization
possible. ex: to the government
2. Functional linkage: they are the links with organizations that provide inputs and take outputs. In this way, functional links can be input (relations with employees, unions and suppliers of raw materials) or output (with organizations that use the
products of the organization). ex: manufacturing company with employee unions and distribution networks
3. Normative linkage: these are the links established with organizations that face similar problems or share the same values. ex: actions can be seen positive or negative ex: eco-friendly company to NGOs
4. Difuse linkage: those that can not be clearly identified as members of formal organizations. ex: tech start up with social media influencers to build brand awareness
Why is Public Relations about reputation?
The result of what you do, what you say and what
others say about you.
What are the differences between Image and Reputation?
is built through creation & promotion to show others
is earned over time through your actions - it is what people see in you
is a cost, since you pay to create and project it - more image conscious - higher cost
is an asset - reputation directly links to the attraction of customers (sales) and acts as an offer
What is the differnce between the public and the audience?
Public: Refers to a broader group of people without specifying a particular interest or characteristic. It signifies a collective without a specific focus or shared concern
Audience: Denotes a specific group of individuals with a common interest or characteristic. In public relations, strategies often target a defined audience to convey information effectively
Last changed10 months ago