What is important before carrying out any activity?
It is necessary to think carefully about what is going to be done, as well as with what sequence / frequency it will be carried, in order to achieve the objectives of the organization.
What are the steps that need to be done?
Planning and programming → Develop a strategy to deal with the situation:
- Making basic strategic decisions about what to do and in what order.
- Undertaking concrete actions and... communicate them!
What is the difference between Strategic Planning & Research?
It is not the same since:
Strategic planning → everything that is planned to be done once the research is done.
Research → Here comes the programming - Isolated programming is only the plan of actions
What are the 3 different planning levels?
● Techniques: developed by most of those involved in public relations.
● Tactics: established as guidelines only by technicians. They involve the partial decisions that are necessary in the progression of the implementation of the strategic plan.
● Strategies: invented by "a few". They involve the crucial decisions, they represent the global plan. They evaluate the totality of the cosmos involved and develop the strategy that confers meaning to the direction of everything.
What are the 2 objectives of Planning?
looking for something to happen
so that “something” does not happen
Public relations work much more creating situations than preventing others from occurring.
Prevention → needs planning.
What should the strategy respond to (name 5)?
● Objectives to influence public opinion.
● Alternative ways to reach the objectives.
● Risks for taking different options.
● Potential benefits.
● Potential consequences beyond each option/alternative.
● Final “way” we decide to take.
● Structure on the chosen option and the projects to carry out the final strategy.
● How and to whom present our proposal to be approved.
● Commitment of support accepted by the managers.
What is Strategic Thinking?
● Strategic thinking is an organizational component that implies establishing a future state of desired goals and objectives.
● It determines the forces that will help achieve them and formulate a plan to get them.
What are many public relations problems caused by?
lack of planning, as well as lack of research.
What should be done to make management by objectives to work?
Seniour public relations managers should work with mid-level managers to define programming goals such as relationships with the media or employees, with the government or the community.
Mid-level managers must work with subordinates to develop individual objectives and meet the objectives of the program.
Each program is different and requires different objectives, but all of them are communication programs and the effect to be calculated is a communicational effect.
What is strategic management?
Is the process that allows an organization to identify its long-term opportunities and threats by mobilizing to analyze them and effectively implement a strategy.
What are the 4 steps of the planning process?
- Define roles and missions and the work to be carried out.
- Determine the key areas where you invest time and money.
- Identify the indicators of effectiveness: quantifiable factors on which to set objectives.
- Select and set objectives; the results to get.
What are the 10 steps of programming, which are included in the planning & programming process?
-Prepare Action Plans
- Establish Programming
- Establish Temporary planning
- Determine Budgets
- Determine competences
- Review and readjust
- Establish controls
- Communicate controls
- Communicate necessary information from the organization.
- Implementation
What are the elements of the mission of public relations?
Help the organization to achieve its own mission by:
- Collecting and analyzing information about changes in knowledge,
opinions and behavior of publics and stakeholders.
- Serving as a central source of information
- Communicating information, opinions and significant interpretations to the public & stakeholders
- Coordinating the activities that affect the relation of the organization with
its publics and/or stakeholders.
What are the 9 elements for writing the strategic plan?
● Client / employer objectives: the specific objectives of the organization.
● Audiences / public: to whom the message is addressed.
● Objectives of the public: what specifically interests the public.
● Communication channels: which are the best to reach the public.
● Objectives of communication channels: why we are interested in the
● Sources and questions: sources of information, databases, experts.
● Communication strategies: environmental factors that can affect.
● Essence of the message: effects to produce in attitudes or behaviors.
● Non-verbal support: inclusion of photos, graphics, ceremonial.
What are the 8 components of the Strategic Plan?
Define the Situation
Define Objectives
Define the specific public
Desribe the Strategy, so how the objectives will be met
Define the use of tactics
Define Timing, so when to start
Budget (hours, suppliers, staff time,…)
How can the perfomance of a public relations program be measured?
Cost-benefit analysis: the program costs are added and the monetary value of the benefits is determined.
Analysis of the expected value: it is obtained by multiplying the value of its profitability by the probability that this profitability occurs
Last changed10 months ago