Simple Past
Verwendung: abgeschlossene, vergangene Handelung
Bildung: Infinitiv+ -ed
eigene Form bei unregelmäßigen Verben (eat)
Beispiel: I walked. I ate.
I didn´t walk. I didn´t eat.
Signalwörter: yesterday, the other day, last Tuesday, in 2012, a month ago
Simple Prestent
Verwendung: Gewohnheiten, regelmäßige Handlungen, allgemeine Aussagen, Zustände, Anweisungen
Bildung: Infinitiv he/she/it+ -(e)s
Beispiel: I walk. She walks.
I don´t walk. She dosen´t walk.
Signalwörter: always, every day, often, sometimes, usually, normally, never
Present Perfect
Verwendung: vergangene HAndlung, die eineBedeutung für die Gegenwart haben
Bildung: has/have+ Infinitiv+ -ed (past participle)
bei unregelmäßigen Verben (eat)
Beispiel: I have walked. I have eaten.
I haven´t walked. I haven´t eaten.
Signalwörter: up until now, yet, so far, since, ever, recently, lately
Present Progressive
Verwendung: Handlungen, die in der Vergangenheit begonnen haben und bis heute andauern
Bildung: has/have+ been+ Infinitiv+ -ing
Beispiel: I have been walking.
I haven´t been walking.
Signalwörter: for hours, all afternoon, how long?
region- Region
bush- Strauch
coral- Korallen
kangaroo- Kanguru
the outback- das Hinterland Australiens
spider- Spinne
coastal- Küsten-
exotic- exotisch
humid- Mensch
remote- abgelegen
stunning- atemberaubent
tropical- tropisch
the tropics- die Tropen
urban- städtisch
Aboriginal- Ureinwohner
camel- Kamel
convict- Sträfling
koala- Koala
poisonous- giftig
exchange- Austausch
flight- Flug
lively- lebendig
historical- historisch, geschichtlich
(to) settle- sich niederlassen
trendy- modisch
business- Geschäft
district- Bezirk, Viertel
flying fox- Flughund
fox- Fuchs
opera- Oper
quay- Kai
a half-hour ride- eine halbstündige Fahrt
waterfront- Havenviertel
(to) guide- führen
honest- ehrlich
take (on sth.)- Einstellung, Meinung (zu etwas)
(to) catch a bus- einen Bus nehmen
scenic- landschaftlich schön
(to) transform- verwandeln. umwandeln
landmark- Wahrzeichen
paradise- Paradies
bay- Bucht
back then- damals
though- obwohl
board- Surfbrett
(to) swallow- verschlucken
ton- Tonne
private- Privat
(to) accept- etwas akzeptieren
talkative- gesprächig
phography- Fotografie
in the end- zum Schluss
(to) be/get homesick- Heimweh haben/bekommen
Christmas Eve- Heiligabend
self-confident- selbstbewusst
easy-going- lässig
the very first/last/best- der/die/das allererste/allerletzte/allerbeste
sunscreen- Sonnenschutzmittel
No worries,mate.- Kein Problem!
mate- Kumpel
(to) brainstorm- brainstormen
(to) oppose sth.- etwas ablehnen
(to9 state sth.- etwas äußern
abroad- im/ins Ausland
in addition to…- neben…, außer…, zusätzlich zu…
personally- Persönlich
(to) discuss sth.- über etwas diskutieren, etwas besprechen
furthermore- außerdem, ferner
in my view- meiner Ansicht nach
On the one hand,…On the other hand,…- Einerseits… Andererseits…
(to) take a different view- einen anderen Standpunkt vertreten
advantage- Vorteil
comparison- Vergleich
To start with,… To begin with,…- erstens, zunächst einmal
firstly, secondly, thirdly- erstens, zweitens, drittens
reef- Riff
(to) flood- überfluten
(to9 be determined to do sth.- entschlossen sein etwas zu tun
insect- Insekt
python- Phyton
luckily- glücklicherweise
(to) prefer sth.(to sth.)- etwas (etwas anderem) vorziehen
mainly- hauptsächlich
(to) provoke- provozieren
(to) injure sb.- jn. verletzen
moth- Motte
crocodile- Krokodil
(to) bump into sb.- jn. zufällig treffen, jm. zufällig begegnen
(to) snorkel- Schnorcheln
greenhouse- Gewächshaus
coastline- Küstenlinie
dramatic- dramatisch
facilities- Einrichtung
overcrowded- überfüllt
rural- ländlich, Land-
suburban- Vorort
vast- riesig
inland- im Landesinneren
mild- mild, lau
mountainous- bergig
old-fashioned- altmodisch
flat- flach, eben
descriptive- beschreibend
collocation- Kollokation
(to) disagree (with)- nicht übereinstimmen (mit)
rude- unhöflich
hurtful- verletzend
nonsense- unsinn
(to) share sth.- (sich) etw. teilen
totally- völlig, total
Iḿ afraid…- Leider…
(to) have a point- nicht ganz Unrecht haben
gift voucher- Geschenkgutschein
stort (of)- Sorte, Art
soccer- Fussball
(to) dig (for sth.), dug, dug- (nach etwas) graben
opportunity- Gelegenheit
work experience- Praktikum
health- Gesundheit
clinic- Klinik
patient- Patient/in
(to) debate sth.- über etwas debattieren
Comment schreiben
In einem Kommentar nimmst du zu einm bestimmten Thema oder Problem Stellung.
Du vermittelst deine eigene Meinug, begründest und argumentierst.
Planung des Kommentars
Notiere dir Ideen, sammle Informationen und bilde dir eine Meinung.
Sortiere diene Ideen in Pro- und Contra- Argumente (Mind-Map oder Tabelle) und suche Beispiele.
Schreiben des Kommentars
Einleitung: Stelle kurz das Thema vor und wecke das Interesse, teile deine Meinung mit.
Hauptteil: Hier begründest die deine Meinung mit (Pro-)Argumenten. Berücksichtige auch immer Gegenargumente. Schreibe ein Beispiel auf.
Schluss: Du ziehst deine Schlussfolgerung aus den vorher genannten Argumenten und fasst deise Meinung kurz zusammen.
Lasse Absätze zwischen Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss.
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Australia, the "fifth continent," captivates people worldwide with its unique blend of stunning landscapes, fascinating wildlife, and vibrant culture. This commentary is dedicated to the Land Down Under and its diverse facets, from the majestic expanses of the Outback to the modern coastal metropolises. Let's delve into the world of Australia and explore its remarkable aspects.
Australia's geography is a true spectacle, offering a wide range of natural wonders. The vast Outback, with its rugged deserts and iconic rock formations like Uluru, paints a picture of stark beauty. On the other hand, the lush rainforests of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef showcase nature's incredible diversity. Australia's unique wildlife, from kangaroos and koalas to the exotic creatures found nowhere else on Earth, continues to captivate wildlife enthusiasts and researchers alike.
But Australia is not just about its landscapes and fauna; it's also home to vibrant cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. These metropolises offer a dynamic mix of culture, art, and a high standard of living. The Sydney Opera House and the Great Ocean Road are just a couple of examples of the country's architectural and scenic marvels.
Australia's indigenous culture, with a history dating back thousands of years, adds another layer of richness to the nation. The Aboriginal people's art, stories, and traditions are an integral part of Australia's identity and are celebrated throughout the country.
Furthermore, Australia is known for its commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability. The country faces environmental challenges like bushfires and droughts, but it is also a pioneer in efforts to protect its unique ecosystems and reduce its carbon footprint.
In conclusion, Australia is a land of contrasts and captivating diversity, where ancient traditions meet modern innovation, and natural beauty coexists with urban sophistication. Exploring this fascinating country is an adventure that promises to leave a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to visit.
1. **Geography:**
- Outback
- Great Barrier Reef
- Deserts (e.g., Simpson Desert)
- Coastlines
2. **Wildlife:**
- Kangaroos
- Koalas
- Wombats
- Kookaburras
- Venomous creatures (snakes and spiders)
3. **Cities:**
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Perth
4. **Landmarks:**
- Sydney Opera House
- Uluru (Ayers Rock)
- Sydney Harbour Bridge
- Twelve Apostles
5. **Culture and Indigenous People:**
- Aborigines
- Didgeridoo
- Dreamtime stories
- Dot painting
6. **Sports:**
- Cricket
- Australian Football
- Rugby
- Surfing
7. **Natural Phenomena:**
- Aurora Australis (Southern Lights)
- Flora and Fauna
- Nature Parks and Reserves
8. **Climate and Environment:**
- Bushfires
- Drought
- Environmental Conservation
9. **Economy:**
- Mining (e.g., coal, iron ore)
- Agriculture (wheat, beef)
- Tourism
10. **History:**
- Colonial history
- Immigration
- Independence
These bullet points can serve as a starting point for creating your own mind map, where you can connect and expand upon them as needed.
Technology in the classroom has the potential to revolutionise learning and teaching methods. It enables students to learn in interesting ways by giving them access to a variety of resources and tools.
Through the use of technology, teachers can make lessons more engaging. Whiteboards, tablets and computers can be used to incorporate multimedia content, educational games and online resources into lessons. This creates an engaging learning environment and encourages active student participation.
In addition, technology enables new learning experiences in the classroom. Teachers can use learning platforms to track student progress, provide individualised feedback and adapt learning materials to the needs of individual students. This encourages self-directed learning and helps students to realise their full potential.
However, it is important to find a balanced use of technology in the classroom. It should not just be about engaging students with electronic devices, but they should be used as tools to support learning. Teachers should continue to take an active role in the classroom and ensure a balance between technology and traditional teaching methods.
Overall, I believe that technology in the classroom can be a good idea to enhance learning and prepare students for the demands of the digital world. It is important that schools provide the necessary resources and train teachers to fully utilise the potential of technology in the classroom.
Last changeda year ago