How do you define the Multplier Universe?
Objective: define the comparable Companies (peer group) and identify differences in fundamentals
What is a comparable firm to the one to be valued? Fundamentals are more important than same sector (e.g. growth, capital intensity, profitability)
How can be adjusted for differences across firms on the fundamentals?
Point out and describe any differences in the firms’ fundamentals
How do you define the Multiple?
Objective: identification and understanding of the key multiples to be used to value the company
Consistency check: both the value (numerator) and the standardizing variable (denominator) must relate to the same claimholders in the firm (i.e. Enterprise Value multiples vs. Equity Value Multiples)
Uniformity check: the variables used in defining the multiple should base on the same accounting policies and rules
How do you describe the Multiplie?
Objective: understanding the cross-sectional distribution and behavior of the multiple
What is the mean and median of the selected multiples?
How large are the outliers to the distribution? How can we deal/explain the outliers? Analyze other factors such as thin trading activities, small capitalization, poor research coverage, small free float
How have the selected multiples changed over time?
How do you analyze the Multiple?
Objective: define the fundamentals that determine and drive the multiples
What are the correlations of the multiple to growth and profitability?
How do changes in the fundamentals change the multiple?
What kinds of Mulitpliers do you know
Enterprise Value Multiple:
Unit of Capacity
Capital Employed: Capital Employed = Gesamtvermögen - Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten; ein Maß dafür, wie viel Kapital in das Geschäft investiert wurde und wird oft verwendet, um die Effizienz und Rentabilität des eingesetzten Kapitals zu bewerten.
Equity Value Muliples
Net Income
Net Income + growth
Equity Book Value: Buchwert des Eigenkapitals=Gesamtvermögenswerte−Gesamtverbindlichkeiten
Why should you use Equtiy Mulitples?
More intuitive
Better direct link to equity valuation
More reliable (estimating enterprise value involves
more subjectivity, especially in the valuation of
non-core assets)
More familiar to most investor (especially the PE
Why should you use Enterprise Value Muliplier?
Allow the user to focus on statistics where
accounting policy differences can be minimised
(e.g. EBITDA)
Avoid the influence of capital structure on equity
value multiples
More comprehensive (can be applied to the entire
enterprise), more inline with a strategy view.
Wider range of multiples possible
Enables the user to exclude non-core assets
Last changeda year ago