Explain the risk free rate with an Example
Government bond rates with equivalent terms to the cash flow terms (Important choose riskless countries)
Theory: indefinite cash flows bonds with indefinite term
Practice: approximated by 20-30 year long term bonds
Explain the Market Risk Premium / Equity Risk Premium with an Example
For the Market Risk Premium you need an Estimation of the expected MRP/ ERP… Therefore you need:
Studies based on long term historical averages of stock returns and risk free rates
Implied ERP, based on actual stock prices for „the market“ (index of stocks, e.g. EURO Stoxx 600) and cash flow and growth expectations by analysts for that index stocks.
What are the two ways of deriving the MRP?
Historical Data
Using historical stock-bond spreads for MRP, typically between 4.5% and 5.5%, is simple and data-based but may not reflect future trends or short-term MRP changes.
Forward Looking Data
(+) forward looking measure, allows for timely
MRP fluctuations, intuitive
(-) model-dependency, data are difficult access
—> Currently forward looking MRPs for the MSCI
Europe are at 6.5% (based on own model)
Why are the assumtions on the MRP different?
What is “the market”
What is the riskfree rate
Which period of time is measured
How averages were formed, arithmetically or geometrically
—> Ranges are between 2% and 8%
Formular of the ERP:
ERP is only a difference !
Driven be the expected/required return for equity (stocks) and the riskfree rate
What are reasons for correcting beta?
Inaccuracy of the statistical estimate
foecast of the future beta
mean reversion of beta
How is the Blume/ Bloomberg adjustment of beta performed?
When and how is the Vasicek adjustment of beta performed
Adjustment depends on the quality of the regression
The larger the standard error of the regression (ie the worse the quality of the regression), the stronger the adaptation of the beta against the market average = 1
Last changeda year ago