The ultimate Goal of an Enterprise is it to creat Value? What is the Basic tool of measurment for that?
A Traditional P&L Balance Sheet including:
What is the traditional approach of when it comes to optimize the business?
Traditional Accounting measures:
net income / profit
earnings (per share)
Traditional management approach:
improve cost minimization (reduce costs)
improve gross margin
What is the Value based Management paying attention to when it comes to creating value?
The VBM approach pay atention to the capital that is invested
Typical KPI´s are:
Shareholder Value and Value Based Business Management name some typical questions for that
What does value orientation mean? How is the creation of value measured?
Why has value orientation taken on greater significance over the last years?
What is the correlation between the internationalization of reporting procedures and the Value Based Business Management?
What components does Value Reporting have?
War of Metrics? - Choice of the adequate financial KPI
What characterizes a value based financial KPI?
Which requirements should value based KPI’s meet?
Return KPI's: ROI, ROCE, ROIC, RONA, CFROI, etc.
Excess profit KPI's: EVA®, Economic Profit, CVA
Control effect absolute vs. relative KPI's
What are the typical weak spots?
Explain EVA® in detail – The calculation of a value based financialKPI.
Composition of NOPAT and capital invested
Determination of other financial KPI's
Transition to other financial KPI's
What is the connection between EVA® and the stock market value of a
business? – Calculation of MVA, COV, FGV
What are the disadvantages of the pure P&L Approach?
Ignore the cost of the capital invested
Growth, long-term performance and sustainability were not taken into account
Can easily be manipulated
Classical KPI´s are:
ROS = Return on sales
EPS = Earnings per share
Why is it necessary to adjust the data of external accounting?
Mechanism of different types of adjustments:
Treating expenses as investments
Treating one-time effects
Reintegration of liabilities
Separation between operative und financial results
Choice and amount of adjustments
The most important adjustments in detail: R&D, Goodwill, book profits resulting from
asset disposal etc.
What is the Basis of the shareholder value approach?
Orientation on future cash flows is the origin of Shareholder-Value-Thinking
The shareholder measures the value of a business in looking at his future inflowing earnings.
What are the various factors that contributed to the development and spread of the Shareholder Value Approach? (History)
Ongoing development of the modern capital market theory
Disclosure of value gaps through M&A transactions
Development of a market for corporate control
Growing significance of institutional and foreign investors
Conceptual expansion of strategic management
Asymmetric distribution of information between management and owners (Principal-Agent relationship)
Shareholder Value approach as basis for strategic incentive schemes (Equity and Equity like)
Criticism against profit oriented performance indicators
The causes are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.
What is meant by the GAP between internal and external view of a company?
The management is required to close the value gap between market valuation and potential intrinsic value.
Why should Value Based Business Management be supplemented by corresponding external communication and what are the three pillars of communication?
Total Return Reporting
Performance of share pricing, (absolute / compared to indexes), development sample account, dividend development, rating information, Value-at-Risk
Value Added Reporting
cash flow depiction
depiction of a concept for value measurement as well as the underlying value drivers including a target/actual comparison etc.
Strategic Advance Reporting
Reporting via objective targets and target achievement of the business
Depiction of single perspectives of
the general surroundings as well as their foreseeable developments including chances/risks
Mentioning of strategies and actions
in single sections such as
Human resources, R&D
What are Stock market price oriented KPI's?
TSR/TRS Total Shareholder Return
M/B Market to Book
P/E Price / Earnings (price-earnings ratio)
What are Present value oriented KPI's - absolute values?
NPV Net Present Value
DCF Discounted Cash Flow
MVA Market Value Added
FGV Future Growth Value
COV Current Operations Value
What are the reasons why Financial KPI's for management purposes can not be derived directly from the stock market value? WHY IS THE MARKET NOT ALWAY RIGHT
Against a direct connection to stock market value
Volatility of stock prices
No direct measured value for single business units
No direct reference to control parameters (value drivers) of the business
No definite connection to the results from management decisions
Against a direct connection to company value determined with the DCF-method
Performance measurement based on future results contradicts the imperative of objectivity / freedom from manipulation
Volatilität der Aktienkurse: Starke Schwankungen können durch Spekulationen oder externe Faktoren verursacht werden, die nicht immer die tatsächliche Unternehmensleistung widerspiegeln.
Fehlende direkte Messwerte für einzelne Geschäftseinheiten: Der Gesamtwert einer Aktie spiegelt nicht immer den wahren Wert einzelner Unternehmensbereiche wider.
Kein direkter Bezug zu Steuerungsparametern: Aktienkurse korrelieren oft nicht direkt mit den Schlüsselfaktoren, die das Geschäft tatsächlich antreiben.
Unsicherer Zusammenhang mit Managemententscheidungen: Aktienkurse reflektieren nicht immer genau die Ergebnisse von Managemententscheidungen.
Widerspruch zur Objektivität bei DCF-Methode: Die Bewertung basierend auf zukünftigen Ergebnissen kann subjektiv und manipulierbar sein, was die Genauigkeit beeinträchtigt.
How does Value-orientated financial KPI's respond to the criticism towards traditional accounting financial KPI's
Lack of correlation (synchronization: R2 of a regression analyses) between key performance indicators from annual financial statements and the development of stock prices
lack of consideration of risks
No depiction of capital requirements for financing growth
Neglect of economic effects after observation period
Orientation towards the past
Differing determination of financial KPI's due to different options within external accounting
Lack of consideration of fair value of cash and assets
Distortion of performance indicators due to age structure of fixed assets
Distortion of performance indicators due to Leasing and depiction of Goodwill
No documentation of variations regarding the financial structure
main thesis of value based business approach —> Breaking even is not enough
What are the criterias for quality KPI´s (nicht so wichtig)
The quality of a financial KPI can be measured
in how well it meets certain requirements
incentive compatibility, suggestibility
objectivity, freedom from manipulation, correct depiction of value creation
comprehensibility, internal communicability, acceptance,
external communicability (derivation from external accounting, publicity of the concept)
efficiency, effort of determination
—> Breaking Even is not enough as a main thesis of VBM
Name three residual profit KPI´s
EVA® - Economic Value Added
EP - Economic Profit
CVA - Cash Value Added
Name 10 Return KPI's
ROI - Return in Investment
ROS - return on sales
ROE return on equity
ROCE - Return on Capital employed
ROIC - Return in invested capital
RONA - Return on net assets
CFROI - Cash flow return on investment
CFROA - Cash Flow Return on Assets
RAROC - Risk adjusted Return on Capital
RORAC - Return on Risk adjusted Capital
Identify the Value drivers of RoCE (return on capital employed)
How does RoCE change for various strategies?
Cost reductions have a direct effect on margin only, whereas price increases lead to higher sales
Working capital optimisation (e.g. via ABS or factoring, optimised inventory management and payment terms) reduces asset intensity at relatively little cost
Vertical integration increases asset intensity, which should be offset by incremental margin in value added
Outsourcing reduces capital employed but may reduce valueadded and hence margins
A vertical break-up leads to a split into two companies with
almost double combined sales,but which share the same absolute margin. Relative margin goes down, as does asset
In a horizontal break-up, combined sales remain at the same level. Asset intensity and margin depend on the business of the two split companies
Criticism towards traditional, accounting-based financial KPI's
short term focus
many KPI´s prio short term instead of long term goals
lag of intangible assets
Last changeda year ago