What are the implementation Gaps of the share holder value idea
Consistent link of financial and non financial
value drivers (e.g. Balanced Scorecard)
Value based goal setting considering capital market expectations.
Interlocking of company value as a target figure in strategic and operative controlling, especially complementing strategic Controlling with value based analyses instruments
Consistent modification of incentive schemes for executives via integration of company value based performance KPI's
Coordinated design of accounting und equity-based
Compensation components
When is an ideal control effect achieved?
An ideal control effect is reached when the same financial
KPI's are used continuously
What are the most important value drivers
Beneath the four control levers for value
added operative value drivers can be identified
How can a balanced scorecard support VBM decisions? Describe the balanced scorecard.
What are 5 factors of a successfull implementing of vbm techniques?
Promising to increase company value helps a Value-Based Management (VBM) program boost stock prices.
Successful VBM companies train most of their managers and more staff compared to less successful ones.
Including more employees in VBM bonus programs increases the likelihood of success.
Successful VBM companies often combine all resource allocation into one system measured by value management.
Companies doing well with VBM prefer funding broad strategies over individual projects.
Four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard
Benefits of a balanced Scorecard
Linkage of value enhancement targets (‚strategy‘) and day-
to-day business
Recording of non-financial factors of success
Focus on (still) formable future-oriented variables
Reduction of business complexity to manageable size
Mobilization of employees („Make Strategy Everyone‘s Everyday Job“)
Strategy-orientated performance-measuring
What are typical mistakes when it comes to balanced scorecard models?
Lack of Commitment / involvement of top management
Lack of participation of employees
Dogmatic administration
Inadequate reduction of complexity
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