What can you say generally about malabsorption and chronic diarrhoea
Explain celiac disease
Explain Giardiasis
Can you explain lactose intolerance
Explain soy protein and cow milk protein intolerance
Explain Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Explain GERD + Esophagitis
Explain gastritis
Explain gastroenteritis
What can you say generally about chronic liver diseases
Explain Wilson disease
Explain Autoimmune hepatitis
Explain hepatitis C
Explain Hepatitis B
What can generally be said about cohns vs ulcerative colitis (IBD)
What can be said about Crohn’s disease
What can you say about Ulcerative colitis
Liver damages
Explain Liver function test
What can be said about jaundice ?
Liver severity assessment : child pough
What can you say about the diagnosis of jaundice
Causes for conjugated and unconjugated jaundice
conjugated jaundice examples
Biliary atresia
Dubin - Johnson syndrome
Examples for unconjugated jaundice
physiological jaundice
Gilbert syndrome
Crigar najjar syndrome
Last changeda year ago