what is lecture 2 about?
lecture 2 is about digital business models
what is a business model?
value creation
what is the value
value configuration
how are we providing the value
value capture
what is the product
what are pipeline vs. multie-sided platforms?
what does from place to space mean?
from tangible products in physical stores to intangible products in digital stores
from product to service
from consumer transaction to customer experience
how does a funnel work?
putting a lot op pot. customers in
multi sided platforms
what is a cross sided network effect?
platform gets better the more users it has
cold start problem (chicken-egg problem)
higher barrier to entry (scale advantage)
what is the bounce rate?
bounce rate:
go on the platform and get off the platform before the user did something there
what are multi-sided platforms strategic decisions to be made?
How many sides
How do they interact
what do they pay for what
whare are the rules of the Multi-Sided Platform?
Advantages/Disadvantages of increasing number of sides:
what is a 2 sided or even 3 sided platform?
which side should features favor?
which side should pay/ pay more?
Each side independently: higher price for less price sensitive; bargaining power of MSP over each group
charge a company 500$ more, not 50 cents each private customer
Existing transaction price: Charge more to the side that can extract more value from the other side (Subsidization)
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