what is week 4 about?
week 4 is about power
what is power?
Power is a relative capacity to modify others stated by providing or withholding resources or administering punishment
Asymmetric control over resources.
Macht ist eine relative Fähigkeit, andere zu verändern, indem man ihnen Ressourcen zur Verfügung stellt oder vorenthält oder Strafen verhängt.
what does having or not having power change?
is power good or bad?
what are the effect of power?
what is the construal level?
the construal level can be low and high:
Low: concrete view
High: abstract view
Construal Level Theory (CLT) is a psychological theory that describes how the distance from an event influences our thinking about it. This "distance" can be temporal (time), spatial (physical space), social (relationship distance), or hypothetical (probability or likelihood). The theory suggests that the greater the distance, the more abstract and decontextualized our thinking becomes, whereas less distance leads to more concrete and detailed thinking.
what is the behavioral activation system?
behavioral activation system:
activated by a higher power
regulates behavior associated with rewards
focus on gains
positive emotions
lower inhibition (Hemmung)
more action
what is the behavioral inhibition (Hemmung) system?
behavioral inhibition (Hemmung) system:
activated by lower power
regulates behavior in response to threats and punishments
focus on losses
negative emotions
higher inhibition
less action
what is overconfidence?
An inflated sense of confidence means someone is overestimating their knowledge/ abilities
Higher-power individuals tend to be more overconfident than lower-power individuals
Higher-power individuals tend to engage more likely in extramarital affairs
how do people behave that are overconfident?
accept less advice from others
failed more questions
loose more money
what does an higher construal level implies?
what does power does with a human?
boosts confidence
enhances self-regulation (Verbessert die Selbstregulierung)
magnifies self-expression (Verstärkt den Selbstausdruck)
helps people to work towards their goals
what is perspective taking?
Perspective-taking is the act of an individual being able to understand something from another perspective, like from another individual
Having power makes perspective-taking harder!
what are the 3 dimensions of fairness?
Three Dimensions
• Distributive justice - outcomes
• Procedural justice - decision-making processes
• Interactional justice - supervisor’s treatment
Distributive Justice: Equity Theory
Tactics to reduce perceived inequity:
• Adjust perceptions of self
• Adjust perceptions of others
• Choose a different referent
• Change their inputs
• Change their outcomes
• Leave the field
what is Instrumental voice?
Instrumental voice = You can influence the decision
what is symbolic voice?
Symbolic voice = You can express your opinion
why is having a voice in organizations relevant?
Why is voice important?
• Improves understanding
• Increases engagement and accountability
• Enhances motivation and decision acceptance
• Increases perceptions of fairness
why are we often not contribuating with our voice?
So why don’t we do it more?
• Status differences (“I know better”)
• Avoid conflict (“This will open a can of worms!”)
• Challenging (“What if they don’t agree ....”)
• Incomplete view of people (“They only care about outcomes.”)
• Time & Energy (“I have better things to do than listen to…”)
• Lack of confidence (“This might show weakness, doubt”)
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