What is Binding Energy
Energy equivalent to mass deficit. The energy holding nucleons together to form a nucleus.
u to kg
1u = 1.66 x 10^-27 kg
u to MeV
1u = 931.5 MeV
Conditions for Fusion
High Temperature - All nuclei have positive charge so need enough kinetic energy to overcome the repulsion between nuclei
High Pressure/Density -Nuclei need to get close enough for strong force to fuse so needs to be dense enough for nuclei to achieve high enough collision rate to start/maintain fusion reaction
How does fusion and fission release energy
Binding energy curve.
Fusion gains nucleons increasing binding energy so energy is released
Fission loses nucleons increasing binding energy so energy is released
Activity Equation
Half Life Equation
Decay Equation
Reason for rotated GM tube
GM tube not as efficient for gamma so placing tube on side increases count rate due to more area exposed
Why is there an exponential decrease in the rate of decay for a sample with large number of unstable nuclei
Fixed decay constant
Predictable pattern
Fraction of nuclei decaying in next second is same as decay constant
So number of nuclei decaying depends on number of unstable nuclei
Unstable nuclei decreases exponentially
Rate of decay decreases exponentially
Happens without external stimuli
Cannot predict when it will happen
Last changeda year ago