what is lecture 10 about?
lecture 10 is about functional hierarchies
what does organization as a collection of tasks mean?
It means that an organization is simply a bunch of tasks with specific people assigned to them, who work on them so they build a organization it total, as a summary of each individual task
how does the task allocation work?
Task division (what needs to be done)
Task allocation (who does what)
Provision of rewards (who gets what)
Provision of information (who talks to whom)
Exception management (how do conflicts and problems get solved)
what does creating departments mean?
creating departments: what are the basic units of the organization
what does centralization mean?
centralization: which strategic question is answered by whom?
what is work specialization?
work specialization: what skills do you want your employees to have
what is the span of control?
span of control: regulating managerial load for conflict resolution
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