Harmodius and Aristogeiton
Tyrannicides/ Athenian lovers
Freed Athens form teh Peisistratid Tyrants (=Hippias)
480-479 BC:
Significant naval battle during Greco-Persian Wars
Between alliance of Greek-city-states & Persian Empire
Outnumbered Athenian Navy destroyed Persians (under King Xerxes)
Turning point in the war
Forced Xerxes to postpone his planned land offensives for a year
—> time for greek city-states to nite
First naval battle
Reconciliation Agreement
403 BC
Treaty that marks end of Peloponnesian war
Concluded in Athens
For restoring democracy
Rules for future relations between Athens & other city-states
Key aspect: forbidding proscecutions for cimres committed under the rule of “The Thirty Tyrants” and before
The Thirty Tyrants
Pro-Spartan oligarchy installed in Athens after the Peloponnesian war (404 BC)
Athenian democracy was defeated by Sparta in Peloponneasian War
Upon Lysander’s request the Thirty elected as tyrannical government, not just legislative committee
Lysander = prominent spartan military, po. .keader
Rule by violence, corruption, oppressive tactics —> Exile of many Athenians
“Rule by the few” instead of democracy
A prominent greek statesman during the Golden Age of Athens (his era)
Fierce proponent of democracy
Leadership, reforms —> groundwork for the full development of the Athenian democracy
Promoted arts, arcitecture, philosophy
Strengthening Democracy
Increased authority of Assembly, primary legislative body
Leaderhsip during Persian War
Athenian Acropolis
Solonian Reforms
Reforms attributed to the Athenian statesman Solon
Instituted in 594 BCE
Laid foundation Athenian democracy
Class conflict & civil war in Athens
Now: first step towards democratic life
4 tribes
Each has the same amount to Senate
= Against disparities
Cleisthenes' Reforms
508 BC
Cleisthenes = ancient Athenian statesman
Reforms that reorganized the Athenian government
Considered foundation of Athenian democracy
Reorganized entire citizen into 139 tribes
Resident of Athens but not a citizens
Excluded form pol. rights & rights to citizenship
Even if born in Athens —> parents not Athenians
Few excepitons
funded money, sometimes granted right to own land, right to own a house, etc.
Special tax
Supposely: metic status comes from Cleisthenes reforms
Ancient Greek warships (Kriegsschiff) with three banks of oars (Ruder)
Units of currency used in ancient Greece
Delian League
Between Persian & Peloponnesain war
Became synonymous with Atheninan naval power
An alliance of Greek city-states, led by Athens
not Sparta
League became increasingly dominated by Athens, evolving into the Athenian empire
Athenian Empire
The Athenian-ruled alliance of city-states, also known as the Delian League
Peloponnesian War
431 to 404 BCE
Protracted (langwierig) conflict between Athens, Sparta & their respective allies
Multiple phases
Athenian alliance (Delian League)
Empire with most of the islands, coaster states
Leader of alliance of independent states
Main cause:
Atheninan Contorl of Delian League
Spartan Alarm at Athenian Power
Assembly (Ekklesia)
Principal assembly of the democracy of ancient Athens
Male citizens discussed issues & prosposed laws
Came with Cleisthenes’ Reforms —> democratic
Met regularly at auditorium/ on a hill in Athens (pnyx)
Everyone no matter wealth, etc.
Vorign process: simple majority vote
The port of Athens
Council (Boule)
A council of citizens that
set the agenda for the assembly &
handled day-to-day affairsBoule/ Council of Five Hundred
Essential institution in Atheniam democratic system
Set agenda for the Ekklesia (Assembly)
Handeled the city’s day-to-day affairs
500 citizens
50 members frome each of the 10 tribes
Chosen by random selection process
Served for 1 year
- A prominent feature of the Athens skyline
- Home to the Parthenon & other significant buildings
- Commonly used to refer to Acropolis of Athens
o But every Greek city had own acropolis
- Used as religious centers, places of worship, forts
Sicilian Campaign
415 - 413 BC
Greatest disaster of the war for Athenians
During Peloponnesian War
In 415 BC, the Athenian assembly, led by Alcibiades, voted to invade Sicily
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