1.The lowest point on the health disease spectrum is a……………… ادنى نقطة في طيف الاامراض الصحية هي
2.The highest point correspods to the WHO definition of……………. اعلى نقطةتتوافق مع تعريف منظمة الصحة العالمية هي
3.The spectrum concept of health emphasizes that the health of an individual is not……………., is a………………… and…………………… يؤكد مفهوم الطيف للصحة على ان الصحة ليست
2.positive health
3.static, is a dynamic phenomenon and process of continuous change
1.Spectrum of health is……………….., ……………………., ………………………..
2……………., ………………., …………………….. death 1.
1.positive health, better health, freedom from sickness
2.unrecognized sickness, mild sickness, severe sickness
1.What is the four spectrum of health ?
1.spiritual روحي
2.mental عقلي
3.emotional عاطفي
4.physical بدني
1.spiritual connected ➡️…………….
2.mental positive ➡️.................
3.emotional despair➡️.................
4.physical functional ➡️................
What is health determinants?
1.Age عمر
2.sex جنس
3.hereditary factors العوامل الوراثية
1.individual lifestyle factors ( 1, 4, 3)عوامل نمي الحياة الفردية
2.general socio ecomnic (3,1, 4) الاجتماعية والاقتصادية االعامة
3.education, agirculture and food production ( 3, 2, 6)تعليم، الزراعةومنتجات الغذاء
4.social and community netwroks (4, 1 ,2) شبكات الاجتماعية والمجتمعية
5.clutural and environment condition( 4, 3, 5)الظروف الثقافية والبيئية
Health determinants
1 Environment factors (20%, 50%, 60)
2.health care service (50%, 20%, 40)
3.social and economical status (50%, 20, 10%)
4.Genetic factors (10, 20, 40)
1. 20%
2. 20%
3. 50%
4. 10%
Last changeda year ago