Generic definition: Corporate sustainability is a managemnt paradigm under which companies engage in activities that are consistent with sustainable development
Corporate sustainability differs across three dimension
The comprehensiveness of sustainable development
The level of ambition
The level of integration
Comprehensiveness of Sustainable Development
The notion of sustainable development contains four elements:
The economic
The environmental
The social side
-> triple bottom line
The notion of intergenerational equity
The more elements of sustainable development includedd in the company’s statement, the more comprehensive it is
A company that only considers single elements, fails to recognize the interconnected and holistic challenges that the environment and our society is facing
Level of Ambition
The level of ambition captures the extent to which firms must exert effort
If you asses a company’s sustainability efforts, consider carefully how ambitious the sustainability targets are and what the company plans to do to schieve the targets
Level of Integration
The level captures the extent to which a company integrates sustainability into their core activities
The Cube
When you combine the three dimensions, you get a comprehensive perspective on corporate sustainability in the form of a cube
This three-dimensional vector space allows you to capture the various understandings of corporate sustainability
Two important points the cube stresses:
There isn’t only one correct understanding of corporate sustainability
You can systematically compare and contrast different understandings of corporate sustainability
Last changeda year ago