Def Attitudes
evaluation (Like and Dislike) of an object based on cognitive, affective and bahavioral aspects
Tripartite Model of attitude structure(multicomponent model of attitude);
§ Affect; feelings, emotions in response to object
· Refr.-> evaluative conditioning
§ Behavior; past, present, future interactions
· Refr. -> Self perception Theory
§ Cognition; knowledge and beliefs
· Expectancy(Probability of occurance) x Value (of asset) approach (Fishbein Ajzen) = Overall attitude
o Which component is the most influential for attitude formation varies, dependent on the object and interpersonal differences
o When summarizing ; preference for consistency, negative info weighed higher, accessability&salience (leads to attitude shifts)
Dimensions of attitudes (scales)
o One-dimensional (positive- negative on one scale)
§ Does not show difference between ambivalence and no attitude
o Two- dimensional (positive and negative as wo separate scales)
§ A lot of positive AND negative elements= abivalence
indicators of attitude strength
personal relevance
Strong attitudes are more stable, resistant, influence info processing, influence behavior
Functions of attitudes
- (Knowledge) Object-appraisal function (Strive for Master):
o ; energy saving, creating expectations (no need for constant evaluation) focus attention
§ More prevalent among ppl with high need for closure (Kuglanski)
- Utilitarian function
o o Instrumental; allows to organize approach/avoidance behavior-> Maximise rewards and minimize punishment
- Value-expression function
o Attitudes as a way to express values
o Self definition (Part of self concept)
o Self-esteem- function (be good at smt and like it = high self esteem)
o Ego-Defense function (was shitty anyway)
o Social Identity (identify fellow people -> feeling connected) (social adjustment function)
o Impresssion management-function ( say you like smth (desirable attitude) to make ppl. (eg. employers) form a certain impression)
implicit attitudes
o Not requires conscious (but doesn’t have to be unconscious)
o Fast
o Unintentional and uncontrolled activation of attitufes (can still be faked or molded by norms or framing)
o Efficient
o Independent from attitude endorsement
o ->measured by indirect measures (Sometimes reliability constraints)
explicit attitudes
o Requires conscious attention and evaluation
o Slower
o Intended and controlled activation of attitudes
o Reflects attitude endorsement (?)
o -> measured by self report
o Semantic Differential Scales
iExplicit measure of attiudes
§ can include several aspects
§ Can asses uni- and two- dimensional
§ Allows calculation of averages and comparison
indirect Attitude measures
o Observing (measuring with corresponding inferences) ;
§ Use of attitude object
§ Willingness to risk for object
§ Approach/avoidance
§ EMG (Activation of face Muscles)
§ Response-time
· Evaluative Priming
· Implicit associations Test (IAT)
· Affect Missatribution Paradigm
Way to measure attitude
o Responsetime to positive/negative adjective faster when primed with congruent attitude
Measure of Attitudes
o Forces matching reactions (press the same key) to positive/negative adjectives and attitude objects -> faster + more accurate, when the matches are congruent
Way to measure Attitudes
o Rating a neutral object shortly after a attitude object has been shown -> Affect is misattributed to neutral object
o Reliability of explicit and implicit measures
· Explicit; high,
Implicit; Reasonable
Valitity of implicit and explicit measures
· Explicit; Yes,
Implicit; does overlap with other tests(convergent) and predict behavior (predictive)
- Process of Mere Exposure (Zajonc)
o Unknown Ideographs were presented -> repetition increases liking
§ Only works on unknown objects
o Reasons; Familiarity -> wasn’t a threat, easy to process -> we like the ease and misattribute it
o Can expand to objects similar to exposed objects
Associative learning & Evaluative Conditioning
Repeated positive evaluation -> positive attitude -> Stored -> even independently of original evaluative semantics (criteria) (Associative learning)
Works when object is paired with positive/negative triggers (evaluative conditioning)
§ Works when only told about experience (via communication)
Implicit egotism
- Tendency to evaluate self associated objects more positive
Elaboration Likelihood model (Petty u Cacioppo)
- Two Routs(central,peripheral) , always kinda both, prevalence is decided by
High Motivation and Capacity = Central Processing(ala.Cognitive response Model) -> argument strength decides change in attitude
o Repetition does not always increase Capacity -> can lead to boredom
Low Motivation or Capacity= Peripheral Processing -> heuristics decide change in attitude
o Information Processing Model (McGuire)
§ Needs; Attention to message
§ Comprehension
§ Yielding/evaluation (quality and strength)
§ If accepted; Retention (store attitude)
§ Behavior
· Critique;
o Does not answer question when we yield and when not
o Comprehension/Yielding= Attitude change -> wrong
o Cognitive Response Model (Greenwald)
§ favourable/unfavourability of Thoughts triggered by message (Thought-listing for research)
· high message quality= favourable thoughts
· low message quality= unfavourable thoughts
§ -> internal Debate decides wether ppl yield to new information -> attitude change
· Distractions = internal debate disrupted -> argument strength becomes less relevant (Petty)
· Hard won Attitudes like this = more stable and influential
Persuasion Heuristics;
Matter most in Superficial processing
· Evaluative Conditioning ( positive Stimulus is paired with neutral object)
· Moods ( how does it make me feel even independent feelings are misattributed(Dutton&Aron Bridge experiment) )
· Expertise Heuristic (accept validity if expertise is somehow triggered
· Familiarity (mere exposure) -> sources appear more convincing
· Attractiveness Heuristics; agreeing with what we find attractive/ likable
· Message-Lengh-Heuristic -> when superficially processed seem more convinving even if empty claims
· Popularity heuristic; if other people have it it must be good
Unconscious Processsing/Persuasion
o Subliminal priming only changes attitudes if it fits current desires/ states of need (Karremans, Lipton tea)
o Verbal subliminal Primes have to be two words max.
o Helps with accessability of attitude object( no effect for already accessable brands like coca cola) not evaluation (possibly in combination with evaluative conditioning)
Interpersonal Differences attitude formation
Need for cognition( generally high cognitive motivation NOT intelligence)
o Higher relevance of argument strength
o Formed attitudes are more persistant
o Low need for cognition is leveled out if high personal relevance
Need for cognitive closure
o Want to reach attitude fast (urgency) and keep it (permanency)
§ -> open to persuasion -> crystallizing belief -> resistant to persuasion
o More affected by heuristics, less argument strength
Can also be situational (time-pressure) instead of interpersonal
Last changeda year ago