Why do viruses need sophisticated expression strategies to survive?
The major challenges for viruses
Absolute dependency on cells for survival and multiplication
Small genomes – limited coding capacities
Information encoded by viral genomes
size of viral genome vs size of different organisms
~10^3 virus (- 10^6)
Demands on the storage and retrieval of viral information
Density of information
Temporal coordination of the production of viral components
Successful competition for cellular resources
Long-term survival of the virus family
(m)RNA production and processing
Production of viral mRNAs is essential for the production of new viruses (= virus progeny)
Strategies for maximizing information retrieval from viral genomes
„Nested“ mRNAs
RNA processing Alternative splicing
Alternative splicing requires
production of the mRNA in the nucleus
HIV provirus
Long Terminal Repeat
5’LTR control region of the provirus contains single promoter/enhancer;
upstream 5' LTR element was the major transcriptional promoter.
RNA export routes
Strategies for production of multiple proteins from few genes
Efficiency comes at a price
Initiation of Translation
The RNA “Cap” is essential for the translation of most mRNAs in eukaryotic cells
Viral variations in the initiation of translation
leaky scanning
Leaky scanning
Leaky scanning is a phenomenon in which a weak initiation codon triplet on the mRNA is sometimes skipped by the ribosome during translation initiation. The ribosomal subunit 40S continues scanning to another initiation codon. The weak initiation codon can be an ACG or an ATG in a weak Kozak consensus context.In this way, one mRNA can code for several different proteins if the AUG are not in frame, or for proteins with different N-termini if the AUG are in the same frame.
Several viruses use a leaky scanning mechanism to produce vital proteins which implies that leaky scanning is not a consequence of inadequacy, but instead allows viruses to overcome the high selective pressures of competing with their hosts
Monocistronic and polycistronic mRNAs
the former generates a specific protein while the latter generates a number of functionally relevant proteins.
Viral variations of translation of viral mRNAs: Reinitiation of Translation
Viral variations of translation of viral mRNAs: CAP-independent initiation of translation
IRES Structures
Internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) are sequences within the RNA molecule that allow binding of ribosomes without scanning
Poliovirus infection
Poliovirus infection blocks attachment of 40S ribosome subunit to the 5‘ end of mRNA => no TK production
Use of IRES for genetic engineering
Co-expression of selection or marker proteins with proteins of interest
translational variation: Ribosomal Frameshifting
Ribosomal frameshifting: A process by which ribosomes shift into a different reading frame during translation and continue translation in that frame.
Enables production of polyproteins consisting of protein domains translated from different reading frames.
Stimulatory element: Pseudoknot or
Stable Stem-Loop Structure —> Ribosome pauses during elongation —> Ribosome shifts its position in 5’ direction
—> Frameshift; Pseudoknot or stem-loop structure dissolves
“Slippery” site :
Ribosomal Frameshifting
Ribosomal frameshifting SARS-Coronavirus.
Ribosomal frameshifting —> different Structures of RNA pseudoknots in different Coronaviruses .
Viral variations of translation of viral mRNAs: Suppression of translation termination
Post-translational strategy for production of multiple proteins from few genes
Major viral weapons of expression: Viral regulators of expression
Viral transcriptional activators that bind INDIRECTLY to viral DNA via cellular partners
viral transcriptional activators that bind DIRECTLY to viral
nucleic acids
Herpes simplex virus VP16: functions in complexes with multiple cellular factors
Viral proteins that act after transcription to stimulate virus expression and replication
Strategies for optimized virus expression
Last changed8 months ago