Positive sense RNA viruses
+ssRNA viruses
Positive sense RNA virus families
Virus taxonomy, compared to animal taxonomy
infections caused by a group of viruses spread to people by the bite of infected arthropods (insects) such as mosquitoes and ticks.
Flaviviridae species + transmissions
Flaviviruses changed the course of history
Yellow fever virus YVC
Yellow fever, course of disease
Flaviviruses: some major manifestations
Dengue fever is the most frequent infectious disease transmitted by mosquitos
2013: Severe dengue ≈500k, case mortality: <1% (WHO) if good care
In 2017: 100m cases, 40k (17–49) deaths worldwide
Why is dengue so hard to control?
Will transmission increase with future climate change?
Aedes aegypti,
Aedes albopictus
Dengue transmission cycles
Zika (virus) transmission cycles
Zika declined after 2016 in the Americas – what happened?
Zika was on the rise until 2016
newborns with maternal zika virus infection
Structure of Flaviviridae
flaviviridae genome
Flavivirus protein functions
Flavivirus reproductive cycle
Receptor-mediated endocytosis
Low pH in late endosome triggers membrane fusion
5. Replication in ER pouches that are open to the cytoplasm
Full-length (–) RNA synthesized, new (+) RNA synthesized
C protein binds viral (+) RNA
Immature virus particle buds through ER
Particles are transported through the secretory pathway while they mature – prM and E are glycosylated
– proteins rearranged (low pH) – prM is cleaved
- 11. Travel in vesicles
Flavivirus receptors are only partially known
Antibodies to flaviviruses
Vaccines against human flaviviridae
Zika vaccine: approaches, approaches..
DNA vaccine
whole purified inactivated virus
….. more and more
(Tick-borne encephalitis virus)
German: FSME (Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis)
inactivated vaccine recommended for persons at risk
Adults and children, individual risk assessment
3 vaccinations, later one vaccination every 3–5 years
● Infection mostly asymptomatic
● Disease has 2 phases: flu-like, then neurological
● 2nd phase: Meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis
● If CNS (central nervous system) is involved, 1% mortality
Hepatitis C pathogenesis
Hepatitis C therapy
Alphavirus pathogenesis
Rubella pathogenesis
Elimination of Rubella virus
Elimination of Rubella virus should be possible (Kretsinger 2017) Still ≈100,000 cases of CRS worldwide per year (Lambert 2015)
Rubella virus was reclassiification
Rubella virus structures
Rubella virus possible origin?
Rubella virus is of possible zoonotic origin
Last changed8 months ago