Helminths classification
- Which hookworm genus infects humans?
The two main species of hookworm infecting humans are Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus.
—> Ancylostoma + Necator
Hookworms – egg stage
Hookworms – species differentiation
Percutaneous describes any medical procedure where a medication is administered through the skin
Hookworms - life cycle
Hookworms – rhabditiform larvae vc filariform larvae
Hookworms - transmission
feces = Kot
Hookworms – adult worms
- A. duodenale = male 8-12 mm, female 10-15 mm
- N. americanus males are 5-9 mm long, females 9-11 mm
Hookworms – skin penetration
- skin penetration by hookworm L3 is a mechanical and chemical process
• proteolytic enzymes from certain glands in the larvae => break connective tissue components such as collagen and elastin
• hyaluronidase enzyme =>cracking the dermal integrity
- Explain differences in pathology between zoonotic and human-specific hookworm infections?
zoonotic pathology: This can result in a disease called cutaneous larva migrans (CLM), when the larvae migrate through the skin and cause inflammation.
- How do hookworms invade their hosts?
How can you differentiate between Necator and Ancylostoma worms?
buccal = backen
copulatory bursa= Begattungstasche
what hookworms feed on?
- hookworms depend on host haemoglobin and serum proteins
Hookworm infections – pathology
hookworm infections result in higher morbidity compared to Ascaris infections
anemia = blutaarmut
What is the current strategy for hookworm control?
Hookworm infections – mechanisms of immune protection
Targeting surface antigens (larval stages)
Targeting gut antigens (adults)
Prospects for a hookworm vaccine
Hookworms for therapy of coeliac disease?
Coeliac disease is a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat gluten
Cave: Experimental therapies, pros/cons, risks and unknowns!
"Cave" is a short form for "caveat", which is the term used in medical literature a warning to take into consideration before taking any further action or a statement that limits a more general statement.21.06
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