Keystone species?
Keystone species
large effect on environment (key role in ecosystem)
critical role in maintaining structures of ecological community
affecting other organisms
Scales and Ecosystems?
Ecosystems and dynamics can be studied on different scales
and temporal
a) Global ecosystem (5000km)
b) Drainage basin (10km)
c) forest ecosystem (1km)
d) endolithic ecosystem (1mm)
What is abiotic?
Non living things:
What is biotic?
living things:
Controls over Ecosystem processes?
State factors:
Climate (temperature and moisture)
Topography (physical appearance of landscape, surface roughness)
Parent material (weathering of rocks)
potential biota (microorganisms)
human activities (agriculture)
Interactive controls
Operate at the ecosystem scale and control & resoind to ecosystem caracteristics
microenvironment (temperature - depend on climate; ph - depend on parent material) —> affect activity of organisms
disturbance regime (fire, wind, insect outbreaks, floods and hurricanes)
resources (support growth and maintenance of resources - air)
functional types (species effect)
Ecosystem processes
Amplifying feedback?
positive feedbacks
when the reciprocal effect of each organism have the same sign (both positive or negative)
reinforce tendencies to change
mycorrhizal fungus, predator
Stabilizing feedbacks?
reciprocal effect differ in sign
resist tendencies for ecosystem to change
herbivores, plants
Earths radiation budget?
Incomin SW (341 watt per square meter) solar radiation
some is absorped by atmosphere (78), bigger amount absorbed by surface (161). The rest is reflected by clouds and atmosphere (79) or by the surface (23).
Through evapotranspiration and albedo LW radiation is outgoing.
Together with the reflection is it the same amount which is incoming.
Radiation is emitted by atmosphere (lw) and absorbed by the surface (sw) through greenhouse gases which sent the radiation back
How can vegetation affect the climate?
albedo (surface reflection)
evapotranspiration (discharge of water from surface or transpiration from plants through stomata)
sensible vs latent heat flux
surface roughness —>high density of vegetation
atmospheric gas composition
spoil characteristics
fire regime
Vegetation influences of rainforest vegetation?
Vegetation influences of pasture vegetation?
Temporal Variability in climate?
Suns energy output
change in plate positions
mountain building, erosions and weathering
variation of earths orbit
obliquity (tilt)
changes in atmospheric composition
volcanic eruptions
anthropogenic inputs
relationship of climate to ecosystem distribution?
Differences in radioation budgets?
Ecosystems have different budgets due to various
bowen ratio (ratio of sensible heat flux to latent heat flux)
Topography and soil formation?
moisture availability
transport of fine soil particles
Controls over soil formation?
Parent material: physical and chemical properties of rocks and how they are weathered
Climate: Temp, CO2, moisture and oxygen influence rates of chemical reactions (govern the rate and products of weathering)
Topography: Influences soils through its effect on climate, moisture availability and transport of fine soil particles (erosions)
Time: slowly
P availability high in early stages, but as soil develops P is lost from system or converted into forms unavailable to plants.
Primär: ist in mineralischer form im boden vorhanden
Sekundär: wurde im bodenprozess freigesetzt und kann von pflanzen aufgenommen werden
Okkludiert: Ist nichtmehr für die Pflanzen verfügbar durch chemische Bindung
Organisch: Ist in organischen Substanzen im Boden vorhanden
Potential biota: Past and present organisms influence soil (chemical and physical properties)
Development of Soil profiles? (Soil transformation)
Additions to soil
Through precipitation; Ions and solid particles and Organic matter
Physical, chemical and biological processes
Physical: freeze-thaw, heating, cooling, fire, wetting drying or roots grow into rocks
Chemical: rock react with acidic or oxidic substances
Carbonic acid
Occur through leaching
Downward movement of water
Solutions and gases
Clay minerals, CEC & weathering intensity?
O: Organic layer derived from plant litter
A: contains substantial organic matter; mixed with humus
E: maximum leaching of silicate clays, fe, al oxides
B: maximum accumulation of iron and aluminium oxides and clay
C: unaffected by soil-forming process, includes unweathered Parent material
R: bedrock
• Gelisol (Tundra, bog)
• Aridisol (Desert)
• Spodosol (Acidic conifer forests)
• Mollisol (Grassland deciduous forest)
• Oxisol (tropical wet forests)
physical properties?
• Sand (0,05 – 2mm)
• Silt (0,002 – 0,05mm)
• Clay (<0,002mm)
volume distribution?
Ecosystem water budgets?
movement and storage in soils?
• Pressure potential: generated by gravitational forces and physiological processes of organisms
• osmotic potential: presence of substances dissolved in water
• matric potential: caused by adsorption of water to surfaces
Patterns of water potentials and movement?
moves from high to low water potential from soil to roots to stomata
in arid environments
water moves from soil to the atmosphere on day
on night stomata is closed, water moves from soils at depth to dry surface soils through the root system (hydraulic drift)
Controls governing spatial and temporal transpiration?
indirect controls
surface roughness
photosynthetic capacity
water-holding capacity
direct controls
aerodynamic conductance
stomatal conductance
water availability
net radiation /VPD
Water budget equation formular?
Precipitation +- Delta S = E (T) + R
Field capacity?
• quantity of water retained by soil after gravitational water has drained
• water potential -0,03 MPa
plant is not able to obtain water from soil
ca. 1,5 MPa
evaporation from wet canpopies?
is greatest in ecosystems with high surface rughness
rough surface —> high turbulance
E (forest) > E (grassland)
E (wet climates) > E (dry climates)
E increases exponentially with air temp
Evaporation from dry canopies?
diffusion and turbulent mixing
surface conductance determines flux of water vapour from leaf to atmosphere
aerodynamic conductance determines flux of water vapour from air near the leaf to bulk air
leaves have high conductance
water vapour is rapidly lost
low conductance
little water will be lost
Carbon input: HOW?
all biological processes are possible through photosynthesis
50% of OM is fixed through Photosynthesis (consists of ficed C - rest O and H)
Major factors governing GPP in ecosystems?
interactive controls
plant functional types
soil resources
leaf area
season length
photosynthesis reactions?
light harvest reactions
transforms light energy to temporary forms of chemical energy
carbon fixing reaction
converts co2 into sugars
Photosynthetic Pathways?
C3 Plants: direct fixation through RuBP - Carboxylase
C4 plants: spatial separation through PEP - Carboxylase
CAM-plants: temporal separation through PEP-Carboxylase
Photosynthetical regulation?
physical limitation: diffusion of co2
biochemical limitation: Carboxylation rate
light and enzyme limited
Ribulose - 1,5 - bisphosphat - carboxylase / oxygenase
reacts with co2 to produce sugar
leads to co2 fixation
reacts with oxygen to transform sugar to co2
assimilate 20-40% of fixed C
C3 - Pathway?
Erste statbile product eine dreikohlenstoffhaltige Verbindung (C3 sugars)
Fixation through Rubisco (a lot of rubisco necessary)
25% of nitrogen in leafs are stored in rubisco
Further enzymatic steps:
Depending on light
Depending on co2 supply of chloroplast
C-fixation to generate rubisco via ATP and NADPH
Inefficient at high temperature (high co2 in leave at closed stomata —> rubisco absorbs o2 instead of co2 —> photorespiration
Wheat, oat, rice, rye (our latitude)
C4 Pathway?
Spatial separation of fixation
Fixation through PEP-Carboxylase to 4-kohlenstoffhaltige verbindung
After that rubisco
More efficient than c3 plants (more light and temp, less water or co2) – high carboxylation efficiency
Photosynthesis at very low co2 concentration and when stomata is closed
Requires low nitrogen
No photorespiration
Sensitive to cold
Zea mays
CAM Pathways?
Temporal separation of fixation (low fixation rates)
Gain co2 in the night and save it + open stomata
Photosynthesis at day (Rubisco driven carboxylation)
What is net photosynthesis?
gross photosynthesis - mitochondiral respiration - photoresporation = net photosynthesis
carbon gain measured at the level of individual cells or leafs
porometer to measure net photos
efficiency of photosynthesis: 1-6%
Stomatal conductance?
variable and most important regulation of diffusion of co2 into plants
controls transpiration
compromise between maximize photosynthesis and minimize water loss
Light use efficiency
Light Use Efficiency (LUE) refers to the effectiveness with which a plant can use available light (photosynthetically active radiation) for photosynthesis.
Light Limitation: At low light intensities, the photosynthetic rate is low because not enough light energy is available for photosynthesis. In this phase, the net photosynthetic rate increases rapidly with increasing light intensity.
Light Compensation Point: This is the point where the amount of CO2 fixed by photosynthesis equals the amount of CO2 released by respiration. At this point, the net photosynthetic rate is zero.
Light Saturation: At a certain light intensity, the photosynthesis rate reaches a plateau. More light does not lead to an increase in the photosynthesis rate because other factors (such as enzyme activity or CO2 concentration) are now limiting.
Photooxidation: At very high light intensities, too much light can limit photosynthesis and cause damage known as photooxidation.
Mechanism to adjust on vatiations in light availability?
Adaption (genetic adjustment)
Maximize leaf area (more leaves, thin and cylindrical leaves)
Angle of leave position
Leaf movement
Efficient use of sunflecks
Rejection of leaves with negative c-balance at canopy level
Acclimation (physiological adjustment)
Sun leaves
More cell layers
High photosynthetic capacity
shade leaves
More light sensitive pigments
Preservation of a constant lue?
at leave level
compensation of physical and biochemical limitations
at canopy level
preservation of the maximum photosynthetic capacity above canopy
rejection of leafs with negative c-balance
Variations and availability of soil resources?
adjustment of photosynthesis capacity to soil resources
adjustment to stomatal conductance
adjustment to leaf area
changes in composition of species
Effect of leaf lifespan on photosynthetic capacity
leaf lifespan controls photosynthetic capacity
conflict between lifespan and photo.. capacity
long lifespan leafs have more non-photosynthetic active components
protection against herbivores
protection against desiccation
water limitation and photosynthesis?
short term:
reduction of stomatal conductance
long term
reduction of leaf area —> preserves lue
water use efficiency
highest in dry areas (conflict between efficiency and capacity
mechanism: longer path for co2 than for water
changes in stomattal conductance leads to higher consequences for water lost than for co2 gain
therefpre high photosynthesis capacity regard to stomatal conductance
reaction to pollutants?
reduction carbon gain by reducing leaf area or photosynthetic capacity
leading to reduced stomatal conductnace
controls over gpp?
most control factors on leaf area are valid on stock level too
strongest photosynthetic capacity above canopy
light advantage
young nitrogen rich leafs
Control factors:
Leaf area
can be reduced by pathogens and herbivores
length of photosynthetic season
photosynthetc intensity of single leaf
sterss changes stomatal conductance
Ecosystem c-cycle?
major roles: plants
c-input into ecosystems (BPP)
c-transfer into soils (litter)
c-lost into atmosphere (respiration)
What is leaching?
Leaching is the rate-determining step for mass loss of plant litter when it first senesces.
What is fragmentation?
Fragmentation creates fresh surface for microbial colonalization and increases the proportion of the litter mass that is accessible to microbial attack
What is alteration?
Alteration of dead organic matter results primarily from the acticity of soil microbes or also ooccur spontaneously
initial decomposers of terrestrial dead plant material
together with bacteria, 80-90% of total decomposer biomass and respiration (60-90% without bacteria in foreast soils)
network of hyphae
Mycorrhizae: symbiotic association between plant roots and fungi
Bacteria and archaea?
dominant in thizosphere
dominatn in biofilms
relatively immobile
varying activity
Soil animals?
fragment and transform litter
graze populations of bacteria
alter soil structure
mesofauna (0,1 - 2mm long)
macrofauna (> 2mm long)
Controls of decomposition?
soil properties
soil disturbances
humus formation
Effects of temperature on soil respiration?
moisture mediated effects
evaporation rise —> water availability down (effect on microbial activity) —> oxygen rise —> microbial activity rise —> soil respiration high
If its warmer, more water evaporates, which decreases water availability
Oxygen rises because water that evaporates makes space for air
Soil respiration rises
direct effects
microbial activity rise —> soil respiration
Higher temperature leads to more activity of microbes
Could be positive or negative, due to the effect of moisture
nutrient mediated effect
weathering rise —> nutrient availability rise —> plant growth rise —> root respiration rise —> soil respiration rise
Higher temperature leads to more intensive weathering (temperature accelerates chemical reactions)
more nutrient availability
Increases the growth of plants which has a positive effect on root respiration and on litter quantity and quality
Peat accumulation and greenhouse gases dynamics?
range of energy gain, which element will be used first
o2 (Oxygen) > NO-3 (nitrate) > Mn4+ (manganese 4) > Fe3+ (Iron 3) > SO4 2- (Sulfate) > CO2 > H+ (Hydrogen ion)
if elements are not available (bog) —> methanogenesis
methane (CH4) is produced through CH3COOH (essigsäure): CH3COOH —> CH4 + CO2
CO2 + 4H2 —> CH4 + 2H20
net primary production
controlled by c-requirement in plants
resources for growth
mainly determined by soil
climate controls npp through processing soil resources
demand on c for growth controls respiration and photosynthesis
increases exponential with temperature rise
increase with precipitation up to 3000 mm a year then fall
net ecosystem production
carbon accumulation rate in ecosystems
total amount of carbon produced by plants (GPP) — respiration of ecosystem (R ecosy = R plants + R heterot)
NEP is positive = storage of more carbon than losing it
NPP (Amount of carbon which is left after respiration) — R heterot
net ecosystem exchange
accumulation of carbon of whole ecosystem
net - co2 exchange of entire ecosystem
NEE = GPP — R ecosystem
Required by plants and functions?
Nutrient absorption controlled by?
nutrient supply rate (most important)
development of root length
whrn recovering following disturbances, root length strongly influences nutrient absorption and npp
symbiotic relationships between plant root and fungal hyphae
increase the volume of soil exploited by plants
80% of angiosperns, all gymnosperms are mycorrhizal
plants inest 4-20% of gpp in supporting mycorrhizal hyphae
Root access to nutrients by nutrient absorption?
diffusion (most important)
diffusion sehll around roots, compensated by root growth (Dass die Nährstoffe nicht verloren gehen weil sie gehen von hoher konzentation zu niedriger konzentration)
nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus
mass flow
movement of dissolved nutrients in flowing soil water
provides resources for some micronutrients (ca)
calcium, magnesium
root interception (not important)
Nitrogen fixation
trafe carbohydrates for nitrogen (relationship between plants and n fixing bacteria)
plant absorb nutrients by actice transport
30-50% carbon budget support nutrient absorption
Root absorption capacity increases in response to plant demand for nutrients
Nutrient absorption alters the chemical properties of rhizosphere?
Absorptions of cations: Discharge of H+ à Acifying the rizosphere
Absorption of anions: NO 3-, PO4 3-, SO 4- à no effect on ph
NH4+ dominates in acid soils; NO3- in base and dry soils
Depostiotion of nutrients stimulates bacterial growth
Nutrient use efficiency
ratio of nutrients to biomass lost in litterfall
highest in unproductive site (nutrients limited, plants need to be more efficient
to maximize NUE ecosystems need
high productive nutrient activity
long residence time of nutrients
Nutrient loss from plants?
Senescence (major avenue of nutrient loss)
process of plants become old
15% of annual nutrient return from shoot to soil
as much as 50% of Ca and 80& of K can be leached from leaves within 24h
often returned by feces
N fixation?
Nitrogen enters ecosystem —> nitrogen fixing bacteria (Phototrophic or heterotrophic)
Process is energy consuming
Factors constrain nitrogen fixation (P, light, energy, other nutrients)
oxidized and reduced forms through Lightning, combustions, fertilizer production, agricultural BNF
N decomposition?
Human activities are the main source to deposit nitrogen in many areas of the world
Many ecosystems have become N saturated
Weathering of sedimentary rocks may contribute to the nitrogen budgets of some ecosystems
Internal cycling of N?
Precipitation: N fixation
Particular organic N: N in dead plants from animals
Dissolved organic N: In Wasser gelöst und für Pflanzen verfügbar
Microbes: change organic N to NH4+ (Ammonium) à Mineralisierung
Nitrifiers: change NH4+ to Nitrates NO3-
Denitrification: Process by which Nitrates changed to N gas; possible to leave for atmosphere
Immobilization: Microbes pick up NH4+ und NO3- à fixation, to make N available for plants
N availability?
DON: If more plants absorb nitrogen, less amount of don is available for microbes to convert
Litter quantity: High amount of dead litter leads to more Nitrogen for microbes
Carbon quality: The higher the quality, the easier to absorb
Microbial C:N: A low ratio of carbon to nitrogen, means that the have low amount of nitrogen to convert. They need nitrogen
Temp and Water: High temp and water supports activity of microbes to convert N to ammonium
Ammoniumconcentration: more ammonium leads to more nitrification
Plant NH4+ absorption: If plants absorp more ammonium, less is available for nitrification
Litter quantity: High amount of dead litter leads to more nitrification for microbes
Root/microbial respiration: the higher the respiration and temperature the lower the oxygen concentration
Soil structure: some structures are good to save water and oxygen
Pathways of nitrogen loss?
Gaseous loss
Emmiting by altering of plant leaves
At ph value over 7 reaction of NH4+ + OH- (Hydroxidionen) = NH3 + H2O
Urin of animals
N2O, NO, N2
Soil nitrate content
SOM content
Soil water content
Solute loss
In undisturbed systems, little N is lost by solute transport (as DON)
Disturbance may augment NO3 leaching (common following fertilization)
Leaching indicates N saturation
Leached N leaves to groundwater to lakes and rivers à lost to atmosphere
May be harmful to human health
Erosional losses
Replenishment in soil via weathering of rocks
Slow – old soils limited p
Microbial biomass is important p source; mikhorrizae fungi takes p from biomass and makes it available for plants
Phosphate is negatively charged – easily attracted to positively charged elements (iron —> unavailable for plants)
soils with calcium or calciumcarbonate (react with phosphate), ca-phosphate precipitates, reduces p availability
p is lost via surface runoff or soil erosion
Phosphorus cycle?
long-term cycle
tectonic uplift -> exposition of p-containing rocks
Dissolved P (through physical erosion and chemical weathering) in soils and inland water
Leaching and transport of dissolved P in rivers to oceans
Sedimentation of p and fixation in marine sediments
Subduction in earths crust and diagenesis
Short-term cycle
Dissolved p taken up in soils (inland waters) through plants or microorganisms
P enters food web
Decomposition of dead om p release
P reenters soil and inland waters
Coupled to biotic activities
Essential nutrient
Energy carrier (ATP)
Genetic material (DNA, RNA)
Membranes, bones and dental enamel
No comparable process like biotic N fixation to increase p availability
Root exudates, mycorrhiazae and cryptogams can increase rock weathering
Only small part of p is bioavailable
Phosphorus in soils?
Effect on PH
Basis components of wetlands?
Biota (vegetation, animals and microbes)
Hydrology (water level, flow, frequency)
physiochemical environment (soil, chemistry)
relations and delimations?
wetland water budget?
global carbon cycle?
peatlands cover 3% of terrestrial surface
1/3 of globally stored carbon
nitrogen cycle?
sulfur cycle?
phosphorus cycle?
influx and efflux of gases in peatlands?
Eleocharis sphacelata
wetlands as sink?
accumulates organic matter
wetlands as source?
wetlands as transformer?
REDOX Transformation in wetlands?
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