Red Cross Münster
Red Cross Kindergartens
Outpatient nursing care
House emergency call (Hausnotruf)
Residential homes
Migration service
Civil protection & ambulance service
First aid trainings
Blood donation
German Red Cross
• Registered organisation with democratic structure -> sustained by voluntary work
• Non-profit organisation with a federal structure
• Officially recognised as the national Red Cross Society of Germany
Headquater in Berlin
Regional, district and local branches (Regional-, Bezirks- und Ortsverbände)
How the Red Cross Movement begun…
The 7 fundamental principles of Red Cross
Humanity = Menschlichkeit
Impartiality = Unparteilichkeit
Neutrality = Neutralität
Independence = Unabhängigkeit
Voluntary Service = Ehrenamtlicher Dienst
Unity = Einheit
Universality = Universalität
three main components of the Movement
The National
Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies
The International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Main tasks of ICRC
directs and coordinates
humanitarian protection & support for victims in armed conflicts
distributing relief supplies to victims of the Russia- Ukraine war
taking care of prisoners of war & aiming to restore family links
A released detainee in Myanmar reads an ICRC leaflet with tips on how to get home safely
advocates for victims of war & internal violence through promoting IHL and universal humanitarian principles
engaging with non-state armed groups in Columbia to promote & ensure the compliance with IHL
• International membership organisation uniting the 191 National Societies
• established 1917, with its headquarters in Geneva
5 Regional Offices: Panama, Nairobi, Beirut, Budapest, Kuala Lumpur
50 country or country cluster support offices
3 Representative Offices: New York (UN), Addis Ababa (AU) & Brussels (EU)
IFRC main tasks
Last changeda year ago