What is an essential role of insulin in energy metabolism?
When the blood insulin levels are low...
What is true about Marasmus?
What is true about Kwashiorkor?
What generally happens during refeeding?
Import of glucose from the blood into the cell
→ Energy → cell can grow, multiply, assemble organs etc.
Glucose transporter GLUT 4
Brain cells and red blood cells
• Import without insulin via GLUT 1
• Transport systems are already incorporated
• Continuous uptake of glucose
-> Lifesaving in hunger periods
- Import ohne Insulin über GLUT 1
- Transportsysteme sind bereits integriert
- Kontinuierliche Aufnahme von Glukose
-> Lebensrettend in Hungerperioden
Insulin resistance
Mechanism of energy allocation in severe distress / infections
Glucose remains in the blood and is used as energy supply for the immune response
Excessive intraabdominal fatty tissue likewise releases inflammatory messenger molecules -> Diabetes mellitus type 2
Mechanismus der Energieallokation bei schweren Notlagen/Infektionen
Glukose verbleibt im Blut und wird als Energielieferant für die Immunantwort verwendet
Überschüssiges intraabdominales Fettgewebe setzt ebenfalls entzündliche Botenstoffe frei -> Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
High blood insulin levels:
Low blood insulin levels
What are the signs of marasmus?
Inside the body
Low blood insulin level
Ketone bodies as main Hunger energy source
Protein saving energy production
External characteristics
“Little old man”
Normally pigmented hair
Massive loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue
no oedema
What are the signs of Kwashiorkor?
Inside the body:
Elevated blood insulin level
Glucose as main energy source
Protein consuming energy production
Depigmentation of hair and skin
Oedema (face, lungs, abdomen, subcutaneous tissue)
Protruding abdomen (Vorstehender Bauch)
Often no hunger
Hypothesis of the development of a complicated hunger response
Bacteria are inside the blood vessels -> Insulin resistance because of the ongoing infection
Glucose levels and Insulin levels are allivatetd
No ketone body production-> protein used to be transformed into Glucose
Protein is used to be generated in form of Glucose
Bakterien befinden sich in den Blutgefäßen -> Insulinresistenz aufgrund der anhaltenden Infektion
Glukosespiegel und Insulinspiegel sind erhöht
Keine Ketonkörperproduktion -> Protein wird in Glukose umgewandelt
Protein wird verwendet um Glukose zu bilden
Consequences of protein loss
Infections (lack of antibodies)
Depigmentation (lack of melanin)
Muscular weakness
Organ failure
Oedema (lack of albumin)
Atrophy of the gut → malabsorption, diarrhoea
Infektionen (Mangel an Antikörpern)
Depigmentierung (Mangel an Melanin)
Ödeme (Mangel an Albumin)
Atrophie des Darms → Malabsorption, Diarrhöe
Vicious circle of malnutrition
Armut -> Mangelernährung -> Ansteckungen -> Erkrankungen -> Arbeitsunfähig -> ….
Management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition without complications
Outpatient therapeutic feeding program
Community-based management with ready- to-use-therapeutic foods (RUTFs)
Ambulantes therapeutisches Ernährungsprogramm
Gemeindebasiertes Management mit gebrauchsfertiger therapeutischer Nahrung
Management of severe acute malnutrition with complications
Inpatient therapeutic feeding program
Medical care + therapeutic milk
➡️ Transfer to outpatient care after stabilisation
Stationäres therapeutisches Ernährungsprogramm
Medizinische Versorgung + therapeutische Milch
➡️ Überführung in die ambulante Versorgung nach Stabilisierung
What happens with Insulin levels at Refeeding?
= switched back to glucose utilisation
What happens at Refeeding?
→ Refeeding syndrome can manifest in a variety of ways
→ Symptoms generally appear within 2–5 days of refeeding
→ Absent/mild to a severe and life threating clinical syndrome
→ Slow supply of nutrients; especially glucose
→ Monitoring of the patient; especially electrolytes
→ Das Refeeding-Syndrom kann sich auf unterschiedliche Weise äußern
→ Die Symptome treten in der Regel innerhalb von 2-5 Tagen nach der Refeatration auf.
→ Abwesend/leicht bis zu einem schweren und lebensbedrohlichen klinischen Syndrom
→ Langsame Zufuhr von Nährstoffen, insbesondere von Glukose
→ Überwachung des Patienten, insbesondere der Elektrolyte
Last changed10 months ago