Impressions of groups and associated (pseudo)knowledge/beliefs
Attitude (evaluation)/orientation towards groups/groupmembers based on their groupmemberships (directly or indirectly)
behavior directed towards groups/groupmembers based on their groupmembershipsa
Personality related Correlations
- Open display of negative attitudes towards low-status groups are correlated with;
o intercorrelated (Ppl who discriminate one group usually discriminate plenty others)
o Education
o Openness, Agreeableness
è Lack of causation, effect-size, process explanation
Dual process model of prejudice
Different Ideologies (personality disposition + confirming social context) -> not fixed for life
Threatening context/ Conformity orientation-> Worldview; Dangerous -> Right-Wing Authoritarianism
pregudice against “threatening “outgroups
Competitive context/Toughminded orientation -> Worldview; Competitive -> Social Dominance Orientation
prejudice against competing/lower outgroups
Social identity theory (Tajfel)
o Social group membership is included in self-concept
o -> satisfying seemingly contradictory goals of connectedness, uniqueness, Value-Me&Mine by belonging to a group that is better than other groups (Positive Distictiveness)
§ Best provides by smaller groups
Components of social Identity
o Self Definition
§ Self-stereotyping
§ Ingroup homogeneity
o Self Investment
§ Satisfaction
§ Solidarity
§ Centrality
ingroup bias
§ Ppl favoured their ingroup (Ingroup Bias) and chose options that would set them apart from outgroupover options that would earn ingroup more points
è Ingroup Bias exists even without any conflict or self interest
- Effect of Social Identiy on Self
o Opinions, Emotions, Behacior become more typical of the group
o Strom emotions to events affecting the group ( high identification-> stronger emotions
o Basking in reflected glory Effect;
Activation of Group Memberhip
o Temporary
§ Explicit lables
§ Presence of ingroup members
§ Presence of outgroup members
§ Group symbols
o Stable
§ Intergroup rivalry
§ Minoritys
§ Target Discrimination
§ Individual factors
§ Cultural chronic accessibility (NOT individualistic vs interpersonal)
- Social Identity effect on Prejudice/Discrimination
§ Higher identification = higher ingroup Bias allocationg rewards
§ No differences allocating punishment
Realistic Conflict Theory
- Prejudice and Discrimination reflect conflicts of Interests for valued/scarce resources between groups
- Exemplar study;
o Robbers Cave Study (Sherif) (not replicable/reliable)
§ Kids at camp first sorted into two groups and competed -> intergroup bias
§ Revoking competition does not lead to cooperation
§ (forced) interdependence does
Terror management theory
Peing reminded of mortality causes exisential fear -> enhance neg view of outgroups, more conservative
o Integrated Threat Theory;
§ Tendency to perceive not only difference but also superiority (to achieve distinctiveness and self enhance) (Hard to accept that things are different AND equally good) leads to ;
· Other beliefs, values ideologies perceived as conflicting with own
-> Symbolic Threat (other ideologies as threat to own)
- Coping with identity threats
o Creativity
§ Change meaning of comparison dimension
§ Change comparison dimension
o Individual Mobility(if threat = Legitimate &stable)
§ Dissociation; physically distance self from group (conceal group membership)
§ Disidentification; psychologically distance self from group
· Avoid reminders
· Pose as exception
· (public criticism of incroup)
è Causes stress … tho
Social Categorization:
Definition *reasons
o clustering individuals based on PERCEIVED similarity on socially meaningful dimensions
o groupmembership info preferred over individual info
o Reasons;
§ Complexity reduction (provides more info easier)
§ Helps efficient functioning in society
Accentuation effect
tendency to overgeneralize (theyr all the same) outgroups and focus on aspects thad make “Them” all the same and “us” Different.
Outgroup homogeneity effect
è ; assumption that ingroup is more diverse than outgroup
§ Large percentage of of wrongful convictions due to cross-race misidentifications
o Overgeneralization primarily affects outgroups (“our group is very diverse”)
§ Cause;
· Selective exposure
· (to specific situations) constrained interactions
· Not processing individually defining characteristics
· Salience of categories not as sailent when interacting inside own group (-> subgrouping) vs saliency of categories when interaction with outgroup
. Perceptual learning
Existential Threat
Relative Deprivation
Symbolic threats
pure existence of others =security risk
no actual resources being stolen bud feeling of havin less than before (Frauenquote)
Other ideologies threaten validity of own ideologies
Intergroup emotion theory
Emotions can be experienced not on by indiviuals but by groups in general and on behalf of other groupmembers (Group emotions)
high social identity heightens emotions
-> primary (feeling), secondary appraisals (coping)
-> feelings allow to differentiate between different types of prejudice based on diff emotions
Last changeda year ago