Male Surgeon-Bias Experiment
o 70-85 Participants fail to provide “mother response”
o Bias is reduced when there are other cues (daughter/Child)
§ Not generally because of gendered language
o Unrelated to baseline estimations of male/female ratio of surgeons
o Weak relation to competence stereotypes
Social Cognitive Idea/Model/Approach
of Stereotypes/Prejudice
stored as associative networks
Stereotypes; Two things occour together
Prejudice; evaluative association
-> can be activated through cues (Spreading activation)
Automatic Activation (Devine)
- Stereotypes and prejudice is activated automatic
o Fast,efficient, unintentional/uncontrollable, (can be unconscious)
o Can be independent of personal endorsement(sometimes prejudice=personal endorsement)
- IAT Results
o Measures automatic stereotype/prejudice activation
§ Genderstereotypes= very big , Ethnicity = also alarming
Social role theory (Eagly)
o Ppl adapt to their roles
o social roles are not equally distributed across society
§ Stereotypes offer explanation/justification for these observed imbalances through correspondence inferences & attribution processes
Stereotype content model (Fiske)
o Stereotypes= Group status representation
§ Warmth (Do they want to? competitiveness)
§ Competence (Are they able? )
o Often ambivalence
§ High competence, low warmth = envious prejudice
§ Low competence, high warmth = paternalistic prejudice (pity)
§ Both low = contemptuous prejudice (most often leads to discrimination )
o When self stereotyping : Bias to enhance ingroup on the more positive dimension while agreeing on the lower dimension
Functions of stereotypes
- Understanding and predicting others (mastery)
o Reflect experiences with group members
o Add causal attribution to observations
è Tainted by
o illusiory correlations,
o correspondence bias(underestimated influence of social roles) ,
o misattribution/conditioning of initial emotions,
o misrepresentation
- Explaining/ Justifying inequality (mastery)
o -> belief in just world, system justification
- Connectedness;
o Stereotypes endorsed by/are social norms
o Are accepted to belong to a group
illusory correlation
false perception of a relationship between groupmembership and valence of a behavior (Unrepresentative information)
often on behalf of bigger groups vs smaller groups because care information is more salient
Influence of Automatic activation of stereotypes on behavior ( Police Officers Dilemma)
OG Study
§ Guns in the hands of black Targets are missed less often
§ They are shot wrongfully more often
In Germany;
equally high reaction times in Dont shoot/approach
Reaction time in Shoot (a lil) / Avoid (significantly) shorter when Arab
. Not (only) due to ingroup bias (POC also same tendency)
· Predicted not by personal stereotypes but by awareness of social stereotyes
Superficial info Processing influence on Stereotypes and behavior
o ( -> heightens impact of stereotypes)
Triggered by;
§ High Complexity
§ Low cognitive resources
· Time pressure
· Emotional arousal
§ Personal unimportance/unaffectedness by consequences
· Power (the more we have the less need for accuracy)
Suppression of Stereotypes (Effect)
o keeps them activated (Try not to think of a pink elephant)
§ Ppl who were asked to suppress a stereotype showed more avoidant behaviour when cognitive control is reduced (paradoxical increased effect on behaviour)
o Attributing the difficulty of suppression to the strength of the stereotype/attitude
Effect of stereotype-inconsistent info on steretypes
§ Often not perceived as incongruent
o Is not remembered as easily/correctly than consistent information
o If ambiguous behavior -> interpreted consistent
o If clearly inconsistent -> misattribute (find alternative explanation for differentness) (doubled ? =perceived inconsistent)
o Varying comparison standards (good for a woman)
o Self fulfilling prophecies
§ If perceived
o Situational Attribution
o Create exceptions in individuals and groups (subgroubs)
è Better if group and only differ from stereotype in few aspect (similar to minority influence)
- Intergroup contact theory
o Contact reduces stereotypes, prejudice conflict
o Prerequisites;
§ interdepence
§ Common goals
§ Equal status in contact sit
§ Supportive authority/ norms
§ Has to be chosen freely
o Helps to overcome “explaining away”
§ High number non stereotypical individuals
§ Many encounters
§ Stable over time
o Helps to overcome subtyping
§ Many exemplars with small amounts of disconforming info (served bitesized)
o Might have negative effects on the minority members (they avoid contact because its stressful, high pressure)
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